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Billionaire Needs Nanny

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I dried my hands off before I gathered up my things.

Annie had decided she wanted to be left alone thirty minutes ago so she was upstairs waiting for her dad to come home.

"Thank you for staying with her," he said as he watched me carefully. "We appreciate it." Christian handed my paycheck to me in an envelope.

I pocketed it. My first paycheck meant I could buy groceries, put gas in my car, and pay my mom back. I was sure she was tired of me calling and asking to borrow more, even if she was sweet about it.

"Annie has a doctor's appointment tomorrow," he said as he loosened his necktie and slowly undid it.

I watched and had to force myself to pay attention to his words and not the pulse beating furiously at his throat as he spoke.

"I need you to take her for me. I've already informed them you'll be bringing her instead of me. It's just a standard checkup, nothing too serious. Make sure she is no longer contagious. Her playschool is closed for summer now anyway, but it would be nice to have the all clear."

I forced myself to stop gawking and nodded. "I can do that. No problem.”

Christian slid off his suit jacket and hung it on a chair. “Good.”

“I should get going."

Christian looked me over.

I wanted to bite my lip to keep from biting into him. The way he rolled up the sleeves of his white shirt made me want to run my hands over his skin.

He licked his lips in that way of his.

I quickly yanked up my bag and pulled it onto my shoulder. "Have a good night," I called out as I hightailed it out of there.

If he stared at me like that again, I might just lose it and forget that I was supposed to be professional with him. I swiftly slid into my car and let out the breath I’d been holding. The more I was around that man the more I found it hard not to give in to that lustful look in his eyes.

He never said anything though.

As much as I caught his hungry looks, he was never anything more than courteous with me. I’d been almost sure he wasn't interested in me, except for those lingering looks.

Chapter Nine


I watched Hannah leave until she turned the corner. She wasn't very good at hiding what was going through her head. Every time she looked at me, I could practically feel her fucking me with her eyes. The more she was around the harder it was becoming to contain myself. Seeing the way she effortless moved around in my kitchen, like she'd been here forever, made things stir in my gut I’d not felt in a long time. I kept telling myself to stop thinking about her, but that was hard to do when I saw her first thing in the morning and as soon as I got back from work.

Every day, she arrived in the morning upbeat and ready to go. When I came home at night, she was still as energetic and cool even after a full day of dealing with Annie. I knew Annie was not being particularly kind to her, but Hannah still tried her best and it was most impressive. She never complained. In fact, she was always positive, sure that Annie could be won over.

As I walked up the stairs, I thought about Hannah's curvy full ass. What I wouldn’t give to see her in a black thong, bent over my desk. It made all the fantasies come back to life with a fiery blaze.

I shook the crazy, impure, wonderful thoughts aside as I traded in my work suit for a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt.

Then I went to check on Annie.

She popped up when I walked into her room. “Oh Daddy, you’re back. I didn’t hear you.”


She grinned. “No. Has Miss Gray gone?”



I sat next to her on the bed. "How was your day?"

"It was okay," she said as she sat her phone down.

"What did you do?"

Annie shrugged. "Played my game and watched some cartoons."

"Did you do anything with Miss Gray?"

She shrugged again and went quiet.

I knew that was a no. Whenever I brought Hannah up, she pressed her lips in a thin line and refused to talk about her.

I patted her head. "Give her a chance, hmm? She's really trying to get to know you and she's going to be around for a long time."

She was quiet for a minute. "Can we go swimming?"

Just like that, I knew the conversation about Hannah was over. Once Annie made up her mind, it was almost impossible to change it if she wasn't ready. I decided to let it go for the moment. Hopefully, they would be getting along sooner rather than later. "Yeah, we can do that. Then we’re going out to dinner.”

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