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Cruel Saints

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I sit down on the arm of the couch, and leaning into Elena, I look at all the photos that have samples of bouquets.

I gesture at the St. Joseph lilies. “Those were Mamma’s favorites.”

My comment makes a sentimental smile form on Aunt Ursula’s face.

“We can go with those,” Elena says.

“The St. Joseph’s?” Aunt Ursula asks to be sure.

“Yes.” Elena gets up. “Excuse me for a moment.”

I rise to my feet, and straightening my jacket, I say, “Thank you for doing this, Zia Ursula.”

“Of course,” she smiles at me.

Walking out of the sitting room, I go to Elena’s room and tap my knuckles on the door. When she doesn’t answer, I knock again and wait a couple of seconds before pushing the door open to see if she’s even inside.

Elena swings around from where she was standing in front of the window. “I just need a moment,” she says, her voice tight.

I step inside and shut the door behind me. Walking to her side, I stare at the landscaped garden below.

“Thank you for the comfort you’ve given my aunt,” I murmur. “And myself.”

“I’m not heartless,” she mutters.

“I know.” I turn to face her, but she keeps staring out the window. Lifting my hand, I take hold of her jaw and turn her face to me. “Why are you against marrying me?”

Elena’s eyes lock with mine, and I see a million thoughts in her golden-brown irises.


“Because it will cost me my freedom,” I answer honestly. “I fought too hard to just give it up.”

Lucian’s eyes drift over my face. “What makes you think you’ll have to give up your freedom?”

“Everything. This whole world you’re in charge of.” I take a breath, and my lungs are filled with his aftershave, which I have to admit, I’m growing really fond of. “Or are you going to tell me things will be different? There might not be a lock on that door now, but what stops you from doing it later? One day you’ll lose your patience with me, and it will start with one slap.”

Lucian moves his hand to the side of my face, and cupping my cheek, the touch feels tender. He steps closer until our bodies are almost touching, and then he says, “I could never hit you. Not even if you drive me up the walls.”

He leans down and presses a kiss to my forehead. His lips linger, and I have to close my eyes against how good it feels.

“I just want my freedom,” I plead, hoping to appeal to his heart.

He pulls back and captures my eyes. “You’re free to come and go as you please, Elena. You’re free to do anything you want.”

A frown begins to form on my forehead. “You’ll just let me walk out of the house? Right now?”

His eyes narrow slightly. “Yes…” tilting his head, he continues, “but you better come back. Make no mistake, I expect to find you at home when I return from work.”

My eyes dart between his, looking for the truth in his words. “So during the day, I can do what I want?” I ask to make sure.

“As long as you have the guards with you. I also prefer you take my aunt along, especially for shopping trips. She loves those.”

I frown again, and my heart begins to beat a little faster as hope begins to return.

“What happens the day I make you angry?” I ask.

Lucian’s fingers brush down my cheek to the faint bruise on my jaw. “You pissed me off yesterday, and I didn’t hit you.” He shrugs. “We’ll fight. We’ll make up.” Shaking his head, he pins me with a look of warning. “But we’ll never lift a hand against each other.”

I need to know more. I need to know how I’ll pay for disobeying him because there’s always a price to pay.

“So no punishments?” I ask. “We just fight, and that’s it?”

The corner of his mouth lifts into a dangerously sexy grin. He leans forward again, and then he whispers in my ear, “Oh, you’ll pay. Just not the way you think.”

“How?” I ask while I keep perfectly still.

Lucian drops his hands to my hips, and slowly his palms brush over my curves until they reach my bottom. I let out a burst of air from the sharp sensation it causes in my abdomen. He then moves up to my back, and it feels as if I’m being hypnotized – focusing only on him.

My lips part, and when he lets out a breath of air on my ear, my eyes drift shut, and my body quivers.

“Piss me off, and I’ll drive you wild only to leave you aching for my cock,” he murmurs, his voice low and seductive.

A wave of warmth spreads through my body as if he’s set it alight, and my mind clouds over like when he was kissing me.

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