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Marx Girl

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The name ‘Eric’ lights up the screen.

Shit. Of all the times he chooses to call me back, it’s now, for fuck’s sake.

I can’t deal with him right now. But then I picture him on the other end, trying to call me, and guilt takes over. I quickly pick up.

“Hello,” I answer.

“Hi, Bridge.”

Silence hangs down the line.

I stare at the carpet under my feet because I have no idea what to say to him. I’m in different country, waiting for another man who is probably a criminal and dead in a hotel room under a fake name.

This is as far from his world as it possibly gets.

Who am I kidding? This is nobody’s world, least of all mine.

“I miss you,” he whispers.

I close my eyes in regret. When I saw him the other day, we just played nice and didn’t talk about anything at all, but now it needs to be said.

“Look, Eric…” I pause as I try to get the wording right. “I’m sorry about the fight the other day and the way things turned out.”

He stays silent.

“I never meant for any of this to happen.” Sadness fills me, because I put him through this. He deserves so much better than the shitty girlfriend I was. I haven’t even thought of him since we broke up, because I have been so focused on Ben.

Ben bursts through the door, furious.

My eyes widen. Shit. What’s happened? I need to get off this call.

“I’ve got to go.”

“Who is that?” Ben growls.

I cover the phone with my hand and shake my head. “Goodbye.” I hang up.

“Are you for real?” I yell at Ben. “Where the hell have you been? I’ve been worried sick.”

He storms into the bathroom and slams the door.


I don’t believe this. I charge in behind him. “What the fuck is going on, Ben?”

“Nothing. Get out.”

My eyes nearly bulge from their sockets. “I will not get out until you tell me exactly what’s going on.”

He leans in and turns on the shower. “You’re an idiot. That’s what’s going on.”

My mouth drops open. “Who the hell do you think you are? I just saved your life, and this is the thanks I get?”

He steps toward me. “No, you just put your life in danger without any thought of the consequences—the very life I have been trying to protect for five fucking years!” he screams.

“Cut the dramatics. You kill people? Is that what your…” I put my fingers up to accentuate the quotation marks, “job is?”

“Get out!” he yells.

“No. I will not get out. What the hell is your fucking job, Ben?”

My phone starts ringing again.

“Who the fuck were you on the phone with?” he growls as he gets under the shower and washes himself with soap, completely ignoring my question.

“Are you washing blood off your hands?” I sneer.

His cold eyes turn to mine and I wither a little, but I tilt my chin up defiantly. “I’m not scared of you, Ben.”

“Get. Out,” he mouths.

My eyes fill with tears. I can’t believe this. “So, this is it?” I blurt as I hold my arms out. “This is the reason you left me?” I whisper. I screw up my face in pain. “You would rather kill people than be loved by me?”

His face falls, and he drops his head in shame.

That hurt him, but I don’t care. Tears run down my face.

“Don’t cry,” he whispers. “Please… don’t cry.”

“Don’t cry?” I scream, losing all control. “I can’t be with you, Ben. I can’t be with someone who does this.”

He shakes his head and the room is filling with steam. “No… Bridget. Don’t go.” He shakes his head, suddenly panicked. “Don’t leave me. I love you.”

I step back from him and I shake my head. This is too much. I need to get out of here.

Am I even safe here with him?

“You said you loved me,” he murmurs as his eyes search mine.

The water trickling down the drain is the only sound I can hear.

I stare at him for a moment before I whisper the depressing truth. “I don’t even know you.”



I turn and storm back into the bedroom, and begin to get my suitcases and things together.

Fuck this. I don’t know where I’m going, but I do know I’m getting away from him.

I can’t fucking believe it. Nobody else could hurt me the way he does.

I hear the shower turn off and become suddenly panicked. He won’t let me leave. I need to get out of here. Quick!

I glance around the room and do a hurried check to make sure I’ve collected everything I need, and then I open the door and run out into the hall. I start to make my way to the elevator.

The door opens behind me. “Bridget!” he barks.

I scrunch my face tight and run harder. I can hardly see through my tears. Oh, God, please let this nightmare be over. Ben chases me, but I keep running until I get to the elevator. He grabs me and holds me in his arms tightly.

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