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Bad Habit (Bad Love 1)

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Dash jerks his chin in the direction Jackson ran off. “Do we need to take care of this guy?”

“What are

you, the mafia?” I joke, shooting a pleading look at Asher. I know he wants nothing more than to make Jackson hurt right now. I can see it in his eyes. But, I don’t want them involved in this. I don’t even want my brother knowing that I slept with him.

Asher hesitates for a beat, indecision warring on his face. “He was just talking shit,” he explains, purposely downplaying the situation, and I let out a relieved breath.

As if I needed more chaos, I spot my mom heading right toward us, zeroed in on Dash. Maybe she won’t recognize Asher, being three years older and in a suit of all things.

“Dash, darling, how nice of you to—oh. Asher. What are you doing here?”

Okay, so I guess she recognized him.

“Dash here asked me to be his plus one,” he says, that mask of cool indifference firmly back in place. “I couldn’t say no to that pretty face. You know how it goes.”

“Mhm,” is all my mom says with a forced smile, turning her attention to me. “Where’s Jackson?” She scans the crowd.

“Probably to change his pants,” Asher mumbles under his breath, and I elbow his side.

“I don’t know. He was just here. I’m sure he’ll be back.” I shrug.

“Well, make sure you find him. Dinner will be served soon, then I’m certain he’ll want to dance.”

“I’m not—”

“Oh! And Lara wants a picture of you two,” she says, cutting me off, referring to Jackson’s mother. I swear I hear a growl come from Asher. And then she’s off, making her way to her next victim before I have a chance to object.

There are so many things I wish I could say to Ash right now, but I can’t, because Dash is right here. My brother takes his seat, and Asher follows suit, picking up the place card with Dashiell Vale +1 in gold script.

“Guess this is me,” he says, arching an eyebrow, daring me to argue.

I roll my eyes, lowering myself to my seat, which happens to be sandwiched between Asher and Jackson’s empty chair.

“When he comes back, play nice,” I warn them both. “You don’t have to like him, but we can’t cause a scene here.”

Dash takes a swig of his Jack on the rocks that I can smell from here and throws up a hand gesture.

“The fuck is that?” Ash asks, and I laugh.

“Scout’s honor.”

“Dude, that’s the Vulcan salute from Star Trek.”

Dash shrugs. “Same difference.”

“Idiot,” I say, but I can’t keep from smiling. It feels good to be together like this again, just the three of us.

Until I see Jackson, heading back our way.

Chapter 9


This fucking kid can’t be serious. He ran off with his tail between his legs, but he seems to have picked up some new-found courage during his little bathroom break, judging by the cocky fucking grin he’s sporting that’s going to get his teeth knocked out here in a minute. He sits down next to Briar, and she looks at me with wide eyes, knowing that my patience is hanging by a thread.

Dash leans forward, resting his elbows on the table. “Keep your mouth shut, and we won’t have any problems,” he says in a low voice as to not draw any attention.

Jackson smirks, bringing his ankle up to rest on his knee. “You know what I think? I think you can talk all the shit you want, but you won’t make a scene. Not here.”

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