Choice of the Cat (Vampire Earth 2)
Valentine looked, thought. "No. I think mate in three moves."
The Big Man sighed. "Two. The king can attack."
"How about a game? While we have the sandwiches."
Their host looked eager again and rocked his way back to the table. "You're the guest. White or black."
Valentine moved a pawn.
Eight moves later, behind leaping knights, the black queen came forth. "Checkmate," the Big Man said in his in-flectionless voice.
Valentine shook his hand. "What's the General to you, Executive? An enemy bishop, or your king?"
The Big Man rested his chin on his cane. "An opposing king. I give him tribute, barges of food. He'd rather I were one of his pieces. My position isn't that different from the way the pieces were before our game. Though I don't have a castle. Just three floors of odds and ends."
The sandwiches arrived, pulling Ahn-Kha from an examination of oil paintings in dusty frames.
"January, I won't need you for a bit. You can go home for the afternoon if you wish," the Big Man said.
Valentine saw a look pass between them. "It's all right- I'm perfectly safe. They're not Twisted Cross." He began to put the pieces back in their starting positions. "Care to switch chairs for the next?"
This time the Big Man's silver bishops eviscerated him like a pair of dueling swords. Checkmate in eleven moves.
"What did you come here for?"
"Guns for the Golden Ones. Explosives," Ahn-Kha said, as Valentine and the Big Man switched chairs again. "My people would use them against the Twisted Cross."
"I'm only crippled physically, Ahn-Kha."
Valentine moved his queen, taking a knight. "Southern Command would help, too. Perhaps in a few months, we could have Bear teams up here. You know what they are, don't you?"
"A kiss and a promise. I'll believe it when I see the teams. Besides, I don't have that much time. The General has given me an ultimatum. Join, leave, or... be burnt. Your move."
Valentine saw it coming this time-the Big Man had sacrificed a knight to draw out his queen. He lost a bishop, and then it was, "Checkmate."
"Let's play again. No switching chairs, I like silver."
"Very well."
This time they were silent. Valentine lost a knight, and when the bishops came forward again, his pawns occupied them until his queen had space. She took a castle, a pawn, and a bishop before falling. Then his castles came forward. The Big Man let out a small noise, wrinkled his brows, moved a knight back. Valentine sent a bishop forward, took a pawn, lost his bishop, and brought out his last knight.
Valentine checked.
The Big Man moved his king, a smile on his face.
"Checkmate," Valentine said.
The Big Man offered his hand. "My compliments. I saw it two moves ago, but went through the motions. You deserved the gratification."
Valentine arranged the pieces the way they'd been when he first approached the table. "Sir, in your quest for a stalemate ... suppose you could have gotten that pawn to the white side and converted it."
"Suppose the unlikely happened."
"Reliance on the improbable is a bad strategy."