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Accidental Kiss (Accidental Hook-Up 2)

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I didn’t know why, but I actually took it as a great sign. The last time I’d had that problem had been when I’d met Toby’s mother, Gina. Luckily, she’d had enough confidence for both of us and she’d asked me out. I felt a bit awkward about it because I couldn’t really remember a time when a woman had made the first move on me. Maybe it had made me lazy and now I expected it; I just wasn’t sure.

But then again I’d had no problem approaching the past few short-term girlfriends I’d had…

Maybe that was why they were short-term…

I laughed at my flawed logic.

I first met Libby at the beginning of the school year three months before. She’d taken over from the previous teacher, Mrs. Hudsaker, who was getting on in years. Libby had bought the school and been much loved by all the kids and parents there. She was amazing with the kids, especially.

Toby had practically talked about her nonstop the first week of school. I loved to walk my son to school and always picked him up when I could. It was convenient since my penthouse was only about three blocks from the school. I stayed in the penthouse mostly during the week, preferring to reside in my countryside estate on the weekends. There was a lot more room and freedom for Toby to play and it was wonderful to get away from the hectic pace of the city.

As I thought about these matters, my office phone rang just then jarring me from warm thoughts about my son and my growing infatuation with Libby. I grabbed the phone off my desk on the third ring.

“Hello?” I answered, allowing my strong, commanding voice to shine through. I taught all of this in my seminars and I’d found that by doing it day after day that it was actually second nature now. Occasionally, I was reminded that everything I ever tried to teach someone were things that I’d already been using in practice for many years.

“Mason, Ted Luger here,” the familiar voice broke through from the other end of the line.

I smiled. “Ted, how’s it hanging partner?”

“Oh, I’m not sure I should really go into that level of detail during a business call. You never know who might be listening.”

I laughed. “That is true. So, what is up?”

“Well, things are going great on the new Fritchie building. But you said you wanted to take a gander sometime this week and make sure everything was going the right way before we continued. So, this is me extending that invitation. I assume today is as good as any other day?”

I sighed and glanced at the clock. “Well, I wish you’d called me earlier. This is going to squeeze me pretty tight, but... sure. I’ll make it work. I’ll be down there shortly.”

“Great. Glad to hear it partner.”

“Sure thing.”

I hung up and left the office. I told Judy that I was leaving for the day and to just forward all messages to my work phone (I would listen to the voicemails at some point today) and send me any emails that couldn’t wait.

I took the elevator down to the bottom floor and then walked the two blocks to the parking garage where I kept my car. I loved to drive whenever I could, even during the rush of the city traffic. Even though I was a bona fide billionaire several times over, I had always kept a strong mind and made it a priority to never allow myself to be pampered. I had a minimal staff and did everything with Toby that I possibly could. I read to my son every night, took him to movies and to fun events and sleepovers, and did absolutely all it took to be the best father I could be. My own father had been pretty much out of the picture for as long as I could remember and it was a tough way to grow up. I swore that I would never do that to my son. I would always be there for him no matter what.

I just wished that Gina could have still been there. She would have been so proud of the fine boy Toby was turning into.


I often thought about my wife. She was a wonderful woman. I could definitely say that between the two of us, it had been love at first sight. There was just something about her that drew me to her and her to me. From the day I met her, I never once considered what life without her would ever be like.

And then tragically, I had to find that out far too quickly.

I was working late when I got the call. Gina had been taken to the hospital. She’d overdosed on cocaine. I knew that she had a problem before we met and she swore to me she’d worked hard to kick the drug. And for the entire time we were together (three and a half years) she had succeeded.

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