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Accidental Kiss (Accidental Hook-Up 2)

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It wasn’t long before this gorgeous woman started talking in my ear. And she was saying all the right things.

Jessica was an aspiring model. And she had the looks, the charisma, the charm, and the confidence to make it happen. She recognized me immediately and came over to make her interest known. That was one thing about a woman like Jessica; she did not waste time or play games.

At least not those kinds of games.

We had a fantastic time that night at the club. Her girlfriends kept my friends company while she and I got to know each other much better through several erotic dances, which ended up in a steamy encounter in the restroom. And that was just for starters.

We wound up back at my place working each other’s bodies until dawn. It was great. I’d lost Gina about a year before that and I hadn’t dated anyone seriously since then. I’d rarely even thought about actually dating someone. It had been all about the work and spending time with Toby. Then I met Jessica. And Jessica and I just seemed to click in every possible way.

Not that we dated seriously, though. Jessica was a great, fun, sexy girl, but she had no interest in becoming anyone’s stepmother or even settling down to any type of family life. She was ambitious and wanted to accomplish certain things in her career. On top of that, she was a wild child who had not come remotely close to sewing all of her wild oats yet.

But it was a good time. It made me happier for a bit, and I actually increased my productivity at work. Everyone remarked at how much happier I seemed, with several commenting on how I had an extra spring in my step.

However, when Jessica started getting into hard drugs and hanging around a certain crowd of people, I told her it was over with us. I knew the consequences. I’d lived through watching someone with a great future struggle with that kind of a demon in their lives and the love of my life had lost that battle. Jessica was a great girl with a lot to offer the world. She had a bright future. I wasn’t trying to tell anyone how to live, but I couldn’t stand by and watch her throw her life away. So, I ended it.

She did not take it well. But eventually things smoothed over until we could at least be cordial with one another if we happened to cross paths.

And then there was the occasional hook up. I wasn’t proud of it, but Jessica always seemed to know when I was having a weak moment and she would contact me for some no strings attached sexual fun. I’d succumbed to her wiles a few times, but I swore to myself that it would not happen again.

It was obvious to me that Jessica was struggling with the same substance abuse issues Gina had faced. I’d been right about the path she was choosing. And every time I was with her, though it was a fun time, it felt kind of sad afterwards knowing that the moment I left she was probably going to do some coke or H.

I couldn’t do it anymore. I couldn’t have someone like that in my life, even on such a small level.

I tried to ignore the call, letting it go to voicemail several times. I wanted to block the number, but for some reason I hadn’t been able to bring myself to do it. Maybe I thought in the back of my mind that the time might come when Jessica would really need my help, and if she couldn’t reach me, what would happen to her? I didn’t want that on my conscience.

After the third time she called, I answered it.

“What?” I snapped.

“Well, hello to you, baby,” Jessica purred. She was obviously drunk. Or high. Possibly both.

“What’s going on Jess?” I asked.

“Oh, I was hanging with some friends at the Melbourne, and they all decided to be boring, responsible adults tonight, so now I’m left with no one to play with.”

“That’s too bad,” I said. “Listen, I have some work to do. I have to go.”

“Don’t,” Jess pleaded. “Just talk to me for a minute.”

I sighed. I knew I was going to regret this. “What?”

“I’m in the mood for some fun,” Jessica said. “I know you want it.”

“No, Jess. Not tonight. Like I said, I have work. Besides I can tell you are loaded. I don’t want to be around that.”

“Whatever. You know you love it when I’m messed up. It makes it way more fun for you. I’ll let you do anything…”

I groaned. “Jessica, I’m hanging up. Do you have a ride home?”

“How about you send me a car and I take it to your place?”

“Jessica, that is not a good idea,” I said. I was really concerned with how she might be getting home. God forbid if she thought about driving…

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