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The Silver Fox (Red's Tavern 3)

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He always had a natural confidence to him, but in bed, it reached a whole new level. He was the one guiding me, even though he was the one who was technically experimenting, here. I was completely wrapped around his finger. That was what I liked so much about Rock. Even when he was in uncharted territory, he was endlessly brave. So sure of himself, but never too cocky about it.

He knew what he wanted. And apparently, right now, that was me.

And if straight boy wanted to go, I was ready to go.

I was sick of my shirt getting in the way. I pulled off of Rock for a moment to take it off, tossing it to the other side of the room.

“Oh, fuck yes,” he murmured, reaching down and pulling off his own shirt underneath me. I’d already seen him buck naked this morning, and I definitely hadn’t forgotten the view, but my mouth watered again as I looked at his thick torso.

“Question,” I breathed, skating my palm down his chest.

“Talk to me.”

“Have you ever posed for one of those firefighter calendars?”

He bit his lower lip as a small smile appeared on his face. “Two of them.”

“You’re fucking kidding me,” I said.

“Not at all.”

He reached down, quickly undoing his belt and zipper, pulling his pants and underwear partway down. Suddenly his cock was free, just like that. He let out a small moan, wrapping his hand around his cock, slowly stroking it as I looked down at him.

“What are you doing?” I said, my head spinning from how fast he’d done it.

“What?” he asked, all innocent.

I stared down at his ridiculously gorgeous cock in the dim glow, my mouth practically watering just from looking.

“I was asking you a dumb question about calendars, and you start jerking off to it?”

“No, I was looking up at you, straddling me shirtless, and I needed to start jerking off to it.”

“Fuck,” I whispered, so turned on by that I could barely form words. Rock was always a step ahead of me. More like ten steps ahead of me.

“Why?” he asked, a teasing tone in his voice. “You complaining? I can definitely put my pants back on, if—”

“Oh, shut up,” I said, standing and ripping my pants off just as quickly. He grinned, watching me, stroking his cock a little quicker as I got naked.

Rock’s own pants were still only pushed down to his knees.

“Here,” I said, reaching for his walker boot to start undoing the straps.

“I got it,” he said quickly, pushing me back gently. He worked at it for a minute or two, taking it off and tossing it away. It clattered down to the floor, and when he lay back down to shove off his pants completely, his cock wasn’t as hard anymore.

He looked up at me, the molten confidence briefly gone from his face.

He had so much shame about his injury, for no reason whatsoever. It was heartbreaking, and I hated to see him so deflated with no reason to be.

“Hey,” I said quietly, returning to the space above him, straddling him. “You want to know a secret?”

“Of course I do,” he said. “The answer to that will always be yes.”

“I had a thing for firefighters,” I said.

One of his dimples appeared on the side of his mouth. “Oh did you? Was that your high school fantasy?”

“Yeah. High school. And when I was in my twenties. And thirties. And… now.”

“Very interesting,” he said, some of the brightness returning to his face. “You should have told me that sooner.”

I snorted. “Why would I have told you that at all?”

He shrugged one shoulder. “Because it’s hot. I like knowing I’m wanted.”

“Right, but you’re a straight guy. I wasn’t going to confess all my desires to you.”

“But now you will.”

“Maybe,” I said.

He pinned me with a hungry gaze, pulling me down hard to claim my mouth in a kiss again. A thrill shot through me.

There we go. He was back.

“You’re gonna confess all your desires to me,” he said, pulling away from my lips only by a few millimeters. “Because I want to see which ones I can make come true.”

My cock throbbed at those words, and Rock glanced down, clearly noticing the effect they’d had on me. That was the only problem with being totally naked—it was completely obvious now that he was in control of my cock. I felt exposed in the best way possible.

“Any chance you have extra copies of those calendars?” I asked.

“Maybe.” He dragged his fingertips along my thighs. “Why?”

“Oh, no reason,” I said, dipping low and pressing a small kiss to one of his nipples, teasing it with the tip of my tongue.

“Mmh,” he moaned. “No reason, huh?”

“Maybe I just need a calendar.”

“They were calendars from 2014 and 2017. Don’t think that’s useful anymore.”

“I would like to have them for the hot guys inside,” I told him. “Maybe one guy in particular.”

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