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Claim Me Hard (Bridgewater County 2)

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“There’s no way in hell we’d let you do the walk of shame.”

“I don’t mind, I’ll just—”

He tugged me back so I was lying pressed against him, once again cuddled up between him and Declan, who w

as starting to stir.

“No arguments,” he said, his hand gently roving up and down my arm. “This date isn’t over until we drive you home.”

It seemed it wasn’t going to be now. I relented with a sigh. I supposed there wasn’t much harm in extending my fantasy night for a few more hours. At least until the sun came up.

Cole shifted, coming up on his forearm so he was leaning over me. The room was dark, but the glow of the moon through the window allowed me to see his eyes were dark with want, his smile was soft but his voice…his voice was full of promise. “Besides, you can’t go anywhere until I’ve had my own taste.”

My sleep-deprived brain didn’t know what he was talking about at first. It didn’t click until he eased himself down so he was between my thighs, his hands pressing them further and further apart. I felt his warm breath fan over my delicate skin just before he put his mouth on me.



The next time I woke up, Cole was sitting up at my side, a steaming mug of coffee in his hand and a cocky smile on his face. He wore a pair of loose track pants and nothing else. The view was very appealing. “Morning, darlin’.”

I scrambled to sit up, nearly knocking over the mug he held out to me as I tugged at the sheet to cover myself. I mumbled my thanks, my cheeks as hot as the coffee.

His grin grew wider. “You were in an awful hurry to get out of here earlier this morning. You work the lunch shift today?”

I shook my head. “Not until dinner.”

His mention of what he’d done earlier had me looking anywhere but at him. Having my pussy licked by a relative stranger first thing in the morning wasn’t exactly an everyday occurrence in my life. Actually, that had been the only occurrence. Something told me if I let this go on any longer I’d have no end of early morning orgasms.

Cole made a tsking sound as he gently but firmly pulled the sheet away from the hand that wasn’t holding my coffee. “Where did that dirty little mind of yours just wander off to?”

I clamped my lips together. No way was I going to admit that I was reliving the feel of his tongue on my clit. This was supposed to be a one-night deal. I shouldn’t be encouraging this any longer, but he seemed to be able to read my mind. His suspicions were confirmed when he slid his hand down my belly and over my pussy. He groaned and so did I, his eyes meeting mine. “Someone woke up nice and horny for me, didn’t she?”

I bit my lip. I could try to deny, but what would be the point? He could feel how wet I was and I was growing wetter by the second as his fingers slid between my folds, stroking my clit. Ah hell, who was I trying to fool? I gave him a short nod, shifting so I could move up onto my knees and give her better access.

His smirk was irritating and sexy at the same time. “Say it, darlin’.”

“I’m horny.” There, I said it.

He slid one finger inside me and I arched my hips instinctively. With his free hand, he took the mug from me before I could spill it all over myself. I only heard as he set it on the bedside table since my eyes had fallen closed, my hips rocking into the gentle slide of his finger.

“Tell me what you want,” he said, his lips next to my ear.

I couldn’t. I shouldn’t. This was supposed to be over. It was day two of a one-night stand. I was already breaking my own rules.

He slid a second finger inside and I gasped. I was going to come, just from the way he was curling his very dextrous digits. Why would I want to argue with him now?

“Tell me,” he growled.

“I want to ride you.” I was sure my cheeks were flaming red because I’d said such an illicit thing aloud, but his murmur of approval erased any embarrassment.

“Good girl,” he whispered. Grabbing a condom from the nightstand, he tugged down his pants enough to free his cock and quickly rolled on the condom. Then he shifted me, pulling me over his lap. He was sitting on the side of the bed, feet on the floor and I was facing him, straddling his hips…and his cock. “You want to sit on this?”

He was teasing me, the corner of his mouth turned up in that wry smile of his. He easily held me over that hard, long cock so I was close but couldn’t take him inside me. My inner walls clenched with anticipation.

“Yes,” I whispered. When he still didn’t relinquish his hold on my hips, I met his gaze. “Please.”

“Good girl,” he said again. “I love it when you tell me what you want.” He released his grip on me and I eased down, his thick cock stretching my pussy as I took him inside me, shimmying my hips to get him to fit.

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