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Broken Bastard (Killer of Kings 2)

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He cracked his knuckles, and a shiver ran down her spine.

“You don’t have to hurt me,” she said. “Bain was just protecting me, and he regrets what he did to you. People make mistakes, you know.”

“Ah, the gunshot.” He unbuttoned the rest of his shirt and pulled the material over one shoulder. The man was all corded muscle, and there was no hiding the huge, healing scar where Bain had shot him. She cringed. “Another for my collection.”

She swallowed hard. “Fine. Shoot me back as payment for Bain’s mistake. Will that make you feel like more of a man? I’d think someone in your position would be past pissing contests.”

Scarlett waited for him to strike, bracing herself, and not giving a shit anymore.

Boss pulled his shirt back on, laughing out loud. Genuine laughter. What the hell is happening?

“I like you, Scarlett. You’ve got more balls than some of my men. And I know Bain. He’s a hard head, and if I hurt you, he won’t stop until he kills me. But I have a reputation to uphold, and weakness is like blood to the sharks.”

She was going to offer him something else so he could save face, but she had nothing. Scarlett had no money, no status, and she wouldn’t give him her body. “I have nothing to trade or bargain with. I’ve been through a lot, so whatever you need to dish out, just do it.”

“You have been through a lot of shit, haven’t you? What was worse, the beatings or the miscarriage?”

“Fuck you.”

“Feisty.” He smirked. “I wouldn’t have pegged you as a good match for Bain. Then again, after what he’s been through, I didn’t really think he’d hook up with any woman for more than a night.”

“You know about him then?”

“Killer of Kings knows absolutely everything, and, darling, I am Killer of Kings.”

“Then why would you want him to suffer more than he has? The things he’s been through are unreal. I get you have this image to maintain, but shit, don’t you have a heart?”

Boss stared at her, no emotion in his eyes this time. She expected more laughter, but his personality could apparently do a complete one-eighty in the blink of an eye. “You’re brave,” he said.

“I’m a researcher … or I was. There are certain things I believe in, and that includes standing up for what’s right. And since I met Bain, I also believe in protecting the one I love. You kidnapped me, but I would have come on my own free will.”

He clapped his hands, slowly, methodically. She was hypnotized, the whole scene eerily disturbing. “I could use a woman like you.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Not whatever the fuck you’re thinking,” he said. “I’m talking about work. You’re good at research, intel, judging character. I’m surprised you hadn’t moved up higher at your job. I hear you were slated to be cut.”

“I knew it,” she said, cursing her old boss. “I was the brains behind half the stories on the news, but I never got credit because of my age, my weight, my looks. It’s frustrating.”

“I imagine it would be. Fortunately, we don’t go by the same standards at Killer of Kings. Shit, you’ve seen some of my men, most of them are fucked up. If they do their job well, that’s all I care about.”

Scarlett was oddly intrigued. She’d never been appreciated on the job and knew getting another opportunity as a reporter would be the same drama, the same bullshit image that she didn’t fit. Did she dare to take Boss up on an offer? Was he even offering her anything?

She heard a scuffle outside the door, and it got Boss’s attention. He pulled a gun from the back of his pants. “Move away from the door,” he said.

Scarlett did as told, not wanting to get in the middle of a potential crossfire. The door burst open, and her kidnapper, another big guy, and one of the men from Michael’s house piled into the room, all with guns drawn.

“Why are you three idiots in here? Didn’t I say I wanted to be alone with our special guest?”

“Boss, your beef is with Bain, not the girl.”

“Killian, you’re really proving to be a fucking headache,” said Boss. “And your loyalty is getting questionable. Why don’t you wait in the SUV like I asked you?”

“You know I’ll do anything for you, but sometimes I can’t keep quiet. Like now.”

Boss held out his arms, one hand holding a gun. “I’m being a fucking gentleman. Does she look injured? Is she in distress? No. We’re talking like civilized people. Now get the fuck out before you do piss me off.”

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