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Claiming His Prize (Killer of Kings 5)

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“Do you know how long I’ve wanted something like this? To have someone see me, and to care? It’s something from romance novels, not reality.” She didn’t even mind when he took a seat on the edge of the bathtub near her. He’d promised he wouldn’t hurt her, and in some crazy way, she believed him. He’d not hurt her once. “I’ve done everything all my life, and I’m tired. I’m always so tired, and it’s hard that a complete stranger would care enough to help me.” She touched her face, and winced.

“Your parents didn’t do that,” he said.

“They didn’t, but if the guy who did had come to our place, it makes me wonder what they’d have made me do to keep him out.” She sniffled.

“I don’t like to see you cry.”

“I’m having a wakeup call right now.”

“How do you mean?” he asked.

“I always thought in some weird kind of way that my parents loved me. That they cared, and now I see I was just the help to them. I was a kid that looked after their other kids, and now, they’re probably annoyed that I didn’t bring them my tips. They don’t care at all.”

“I care,” he said. “I care about what happens to you, and no one is ever going to harm you. Don’t even worry about the guy that did that to your face. I took care of him.”

She didn’t know what that meant. Had he called the cops? Carlton was dangerous, even for a man like Chains. She didn’t want to push her luck by delving deeper, so she just nodded.

“Thank you.”

“I’m not very good at feelings, but with you, I’ll try.” Chains stared at her. “The world is an ugly place, and I found a beautiful start to stare at.”

Heat filled her cheeks. It was so sweet of him to say so.

“I’m not beautiful.”

“You are to me. When I was a kid I’d often wish on the stars, hoping to have a better life. Praying for something more. When nothing changed, I’d pray for something else. Seemed like an endless cycle, like God had forgotten me.”

“What did you pray for?” she asked, curious. Other women would be trying to find a way out of this mess. She found herself drawn to this man, and it wasn’t because he’d taken her. He was … attentive.

“I prayed for something to call my own.” The sound of the doorbell ringing interrupted their conversation. “Food’s here.”

He got up and left.

He never touched her. She’d talked, and he’d listened.

Wiping the tears from her face, she closed the bathroom door and slipped into the waiting bath. She washed her body and hair quickly and then stood up, reaching for the robe. She tied her hair up in a towel and stared at herself in the mirror. She was twenty-five and felt much older. Her life was slipping away as she lived for everyone but herself. Her eye was still a deep purple hue, and it was a constant reminder of the life she wanted no part of.

When she entered the bedroom, Chains was already there. “Food’s in the dining room.”

Her stomach chose that moment to growl, and he chuckled.

“I’ve been neglecting my duties.” He held his hand out.

Any sane woman would ignore the hand. She took it, and felt completely safe as he led her down to dinner.

Chapter Four

One week later

Chains studied his reflection as he scraped the blade along his jawline. He’d always shaved with a straight razor rather than the new disposable ones. Some things shouldn’t be messed with.

He rinsed his razor off and set it aside before splashing water on his face. When he looked back up at himself, he wasn’t sure what the fuck he saw.

What have you done?

Everything had been going so well, too well, with Lori. After the third day, she started to get squirrely, questioning her confinement, and worrying about bills and her siblings. That’s when he had to return her to his basement.

Chains wasn’t sure what he expected. It’s not like he planned on kidnapping her. It all happened so fast, his decision made on instinct. One he still didn’t regret, even though he knew he should.

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