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Claiming His Prize (Killer of Kings 5)

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She swallowed, but he also saw her eyes dilate.

Lori didn’t fear him.

He liked that.

“You know this is weird, right? Buying women bath salts. You don’t really know me.”

“I know you’ve never been treated like anything other than a babysitter. I imagine this is the first week you’ve had a decent meal every night. I also imagine you’ve never had anyone to talk to who not only listens, but also understands.”

She took a step back at that, and he noticed when he mentioned stuff about her, she always withdrew into herself. Almost as if she was afraid that he’d see too much. He saw her. He saw deep inside her soul, and what was more, he recognized it. She yearned for someone like him, even if it did scare her. That was okay.

He was going to take care of her, and show her another life, one where she didn’t get another person’s baby thrown into her arms, and told to deal. From now on, she’d be priority number one, no one else.

“I like lavender,” she whispered.

Reaching into the drawer, he pulled out three of the salts. “You can take as long as you want.”

“You’re not going to stay and watch?” she asked, as he made his way toward the door.

“We’ve only just met, Lori. I don’t think you’re ready for that.” He winked.

Leaving the bathroom, he grabbed his cell phone, and quickly checked his emails. He had Maurice on tracking duty. He knew at least three of the six different identities that Xavier often used, and with those, he was able to track his movements all from the comfort of his own home.

Maurice had sent him a breakdown of all the purchases and stops that Xavier had made, and it wasn’t all that impressive. A couple of motel stops, Italian and Mexican restaurant purchases. What he did find interesting was the bill for two. A woman? A job? Maurice attached the images that had been taken by cameras within the area, and he saw that Xavier had a different woman at each stop.


He didn’t know what the big deal was with Xavier. Sure, he killed a load of people, and didn’t have a soul—that wasn’t new in his line of work. As far as he was concerned all Boss was doing was collecting killers like normal people collected trophies.

“Are you still there?” she asked.

He put his cell phone away, not bothering with Boss’s email for now. He focused on the woman a few feet away in his bathroom.

“I’m still here so don’t try to make a run for it.”

“Pity because that’s what I was planning. To run out of a house showing off my bare ass.”

He smirked at her sarcasm. “You know I’ve got no problem spanking that ass.” He could imagine her eye roll.

Now, if anyone else gave him that kind of sass, he’d have ended them long ago. She was different, and he wanted her.

His cock hardened just imagining her standing before him with her large tits thrust out, begging to be touched. He’d worship every single inch of her, and would do so every single day because that was what she deserved, and he’d be the one to give it to her.

It had been weeks now since he’d fucked a woman, which was a rarity for him. His life had always been a crazy mix of sex and killing. Now that Lori had entered the mix, she was all he could think about, leaving him with the worst case of blue balls.


g toward the door, he leaned against the frame, and stared in. She had enough bubbles in the water to hide her body from view. The scent of lavender was heavy in the air. He liked it. She’d pinned her hair on top of her head, and she smiled at him. She looked like a fucking angel.

“Do you even know how to spank?” she asked.

“You’re really going to ask me that? I kill for a living.”

She didn’t know who she was fucking with. He was trying to be a gentleman, and she was baiting him as if he’d never played this game.

“Yeah, I don’t think this is a good idea. I can’t believe I’m even having a discussion with you right now. I forgot about what you’ve done.”

“Carlton was an asshole who deserved to die. Don’t forget that, sweetheart.”

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