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Claiming His Prize (Killer of Kings 5)

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Chains parked outside of his cabin and took a deep breath of country air. The drive had been quiet with Lori passed out. After checking over his security on his cell phone, he’d seen El Diablo enter, and take the files Boss stashed away to blackmail El Diablo. Seeing how easily Boss was luring the other man into the Killer of Kings’ web was really quite something. It just went to show that Boss was indeed the master at this game of cat and mouse.

Regardless of how Chains liked to watch this game, he still didn’t like that it involved his home. He wanted to kill the bastard for pointing a gun at his woman, but El Diablo hadn’t hurt her.

Climbing out of the car, Chains moved toward Lori, and stared down at her. Her eyes were closed, and she looked completely at peace with life. She was so beautiful, so sweet, and he absolutely adored her.

“I’m so sorry, baby.” No one knew about his cabin. He kept the details separate from his life, and he rarely came here unless he felt a need to get away.

Lifting her up, he carried her from the car into his cabin, which was spotless.

He didn’t linger, going straight to the bedroom, and placing her on the crisp sheets. “I’m going to take care of you for the rest of our life together.”

Chains made sure she was tucked in nice and tight before heading back to grab their bags. From there, he closed the door, and locked it. Resting his head against the wood, he breathed a sigh of relief.

For the next week, he intended to be completely away from the world. No stress. No cell phones. No internet. No Boss.

Maurice would be tracking him, and if the man found anything, there would be an alert on his pager.

> Stepping away from the door, he grabbed their bags, and set about putting their clothes in the closet. Every now and then, he glanced over at her, and watched her. He couldn’t sleep right now. He was far too wired.

Once their clothes were away, he made his way into the sitting room. Grabbing one of the crime books from the shelves, he took a seat in his favorite chair, and sat back. He rarely allowed himself the pleasure of relaxing. Even in his home that El Diablo had just broken into, he knew anyone could find him. Boss knew where he lived, as did most of the Killer of Kings. Most of the time, he didn’t mind it. He had this cabin that no one knew of, and that was the way he liked it.

Boss’s incessant need, like some kind of father, to always know what they were doing, pissed him off. The only reason he’d put Lori to sleep for the journey was so that Boss couldn’t interrogate her or use her to find this place.

This would be their place.

Time passed, and still sleep wouldn’t come. He saw the sun coming up, so he headed to the kitchen and began to whip up some bacon and eggs.

The concoction he’d given her wasn’t strong. She’d just had an extended night’s sleep.

He heard her gasp at exactly six-thirty in the morning.

“You drugged me!”

Chains smiled. She sounded so outraged. It was so cute. When she came into the kitchen, he held a plate of food like a shield. Her hair was all over the place, and she ran a hand down her face. She glanced at him then at the food, then at him again. “What the hell?”

“First, I did it for your own protection.”


“It’s not. The man I work for … he has ways and means of finding out whatever he wants. This place is the only thing I have. I don’t want him to know about it, and I know Boss. He’ll want to know where I go when he can’t find me.”

She frowned looking at him. “Boss? I can’t … not right now. I’m hungry, and I’m pissed at you. I’m hungry even more though.”

“I made you breakfast.”

“Is it poisoned?”

“What’s with you and poison? It’s perfectly safe.” He stole a piece of bacon from her plate. She watched him eat it, and when he made to take another piece she slapped his hand away.

“That’s mine.”

“In case you were worried that I was going to poison you.”

She glared at him. “You already ate one piece. I want the food for myself. I’ve had a very trying experience tonight.” She looked at the early morning light coming in the window. “Yesterday. I don’t even know.”

He chuckled.

Grabbing his own plate, he sat down at the table. He watched as Lori took another bite and moaned.

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