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Claiming His Prize (Killer of Kings 5)

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“Believe me or not, but if you ever meet Boss, and I bet you probably will, you’ll see what I mean.”

She finished her breakfast, and he handed her a cup of coffee. Once that was done, she offered to do the dishes and he watched her. It was somewhat surreal to feel like domestic bliss. She stood at the sink, and he watched her lift one leg up and scratch the back of her calf. Her rounded ass seemed to call to him, and he couldn’t take his gaze away from her, not that he wanted to.

Lori was far too intriguing to watch. She had a fire inside her that he liked.

She finished the dishes, stacking them up with the rest of them in the kitchen. She wiped her hands on a towel resting against the sink.

“This is lovely.” She looked around her.

“Take your clothes off,” he said.

She paused and looked at him. “What?”

“You heard me, baby. I want you to strip for me.”

“And if I don’t want to?”

“Do you not want to get naked for me? It’s just you and me here. No one else.”

He saw her nipples tighten, and her breathing deepened. Color was high in her cheeks, and she looked ready to fuck.

Her fingers drummed against the counter, and he rested his head in his hand, watching her. His cock was already hard.

She grabbed her shirt and pulled it over her head revealing a white lace bra. Next, she wriggled out of her sweatpants.

White lacy underwear was all she stood in.

“Beautiful but that’s not naked.”

“No. It’s not,” she said, agreeing. She took a deep breath and began to remove the rest of her clothes.

Seconds later she stood in his kitchen, completely naked, and she looked nervous. To him though, she looked utterly breathtaking.

He couldn’t believe how lucky he’d gotten, but there was no chance in hell that he was ever going to give her back. She belonged to him now.

All of his life he’d had things taken from him, and he wasn’t going to allow that to happen again. Standing up, he didn’t move closer. Pulling his shirt from his body, he threw it to the ground. Pushing his pants down, he heard her gasp as his cock sprang forward.

“Wow,” she said.

“You like what you see?”

“What’s not to like? You’re all … hard and wow.”

“And it’s all for you.” He liked having her gaze on him. Wrapping his fingers around his length he worked it from the tip down to the base then up again. The head was already leaking pre-cum.

He watched her as she stared at him. “This is how hard you make me.”

“That’s me?”

“Yes. This is all you. There’s no one else in the world that I want. No woman could ever match you.”

He sat down on the chair, and released his cock. “Come here.”

“If I come there you’re going to touch me.”

“Yes. You’re going to like me touching you. I promise.” He waited.

He would never force her. Chains had excellent control.

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