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Claiming His Prize (Killer of Kings 5)

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He shifted lower, slinging both her legs over his strong shoulders. “What are you doing?”

Chains gave her a wink, then disappeared between her legs. When his tongue swiped up her folds, she squealed. He growled as he spread her pussy lips apart. He thoroughly explored every inch of her, his tongue flicking her clit before penetrating her deep in her cunt.

“Chains … oh God.” She spiraled out of control, the overload of sensation making her feel more animal than woman. She thrashed beneath him, but his strength was unsurpassed. His rough stubble scraped her inner thighs. He held her steady, eating her pussy until she was panting and begging him for release.

Just when she thought she’d have the orgasm of the century, he pulled away, standing tall. He stared down at her, still positioned between her legs.

“I’m going to enjoy taking your virginity, baby. Open for me.” She didn’t hesitate, bracing her heels on the edge of the table, wanting his mouth on her clit again.

He licked his finger, then slid it inside her pussy. She clenched around his digit, wanting his big cock instead.

“Fuck me,” she said.

“Such a dirty mouth for such a pretty girl.” He tutted, dragging that finger down to her ass before impaling her nether hole. “This will be mine, too.”

He kept his finger in her asshole, wiggling it in such a way that she swore she saw stars. The explosion of sensation made her clit throb in distracting waves.

“Stop teasing me.” She barely managed to get the words out, so lost in her own wanton desires.

“Let me play, sweetheart. Trust me, it’ll be better this way.” He removed his finger, then scooped her naked body up into the cradle of his arms.

“What are you doing?”

“I’m not fucking you on the table. Not for the first time, anyway.” He carried her to his room. The curtains were drawn, so it was a bit difficult to see. Her sense of smell was magnified, and the room reminded her of Chains—deep, intoxicating, musky cologne, leather, and control.

Lori had always scraped by in life, her nerves always on edge. She wasn’t good at survival, but she’d done it every day. After being beat up by Carlton Riggs, struggling to make ends meet at her shitty job, and terrified of the future, she saw Chains’s arrival as a godsend. His confidence in every situation put her worries at ease. He made her feel protected, cared for, and wanted. He was her addiction.

He set her on the edge of the bed, and she wiggled up to the center. Chains stood at the end of the bed, one arm across his chest as he grabbed his shoulder.

“Sure you want to give yourself to me, Lori? Where I’m from, I’m considered garbage, the lowest of society. You deserve more, but I’m a selfish bastard.”

She narrowed her eyes. If anyone had lowly roots, it was her. Her parents were on government assistance, living in one of the worst ghetto areas of the city. She didn’t care about the past, just now. “You talk too much.” Lori reached down between her legs and touched her sensitive clit.

He shook his head. “Hell no, that’s my job, baby.”

Chains crawled up onto the bed, with the stealth and intensity of a predator. Every muscle flexed as he closed in on her. Her heart raced, her body reacting to his proximity. He used his thigh to spread her legs open, then hooked his arms under her shoulders, holding her close. His hard cock pressed against her pussy, making her wetter. A mix of excitement and apprehension of what was to come had her entire body hotwired to his touch.

She expected something fast and forgettable for her first time. Chains took his time, once again proving he was more than just any man. He kissed her, deeply, passionately. His kisses felt like promises, and she savored every one of them. The entire world and its problems went away, leaving just the two of them in this little piece of paradise.

Lori ran her hands over his shaved head, then held his shoulders as they kissed.

“This is perfect,” he said. “You and me … it feels right.” Lori couldn’t agree more. She leaned up and kissed him again, loving how easily she could pull him back under the spell. His cock twitched, and those kisses soon moved down her neck. “I love these tits,” he said before squeezing her cleavage together. He played a game with his tongue over her nipples that had her toes curling.

“I want you inside me,” she said. “Please.”

“You don’t have to beg. That’s exactly what I’m planning.” He reached between them, taking hold of his big cock. As soon as he rubbed the thick head long her moist slit, she sighed in relief. She needed him more than breath. “I’m going to go easy at first. You let me know if I hurt you.”

She nodded, her nails digging into his biceps as her anticipation grew stronger. He pressed the tip inside her, joining them, even if only an inch. She used her muscles to squeeze around him, getting used to the foreign invasion. Chains cursed.


He took a deep breath, ever so slowly pushing more inches inside her. She’d been so wet and ready that he had no trouble sliding home. Once he was fully seated, he ran his lips along her jawline and didn’t move his body. She felt so full, so completely stuffed with his cock. Her virginity was gone—given to her captor, her lover.

“You’re mine now,” he whispered. Her eyes lolled back in her head as he shelled her ear with his tongue. “No other man will know this body but me.”

Forever sounded perfect to her. She craved security, commitment, and the happily ever after she’d never expected for herself. Her goal had been to give her siblings a better chance than she’d had. She’d given up hope for herself so many years ago. Now everything was new again.

“Don’t leave me,” she said. The words were pure vulnerability, her deepest fear vocalized.

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