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Claiming His Prize (Killer of Kings 5)

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El Diablo chuckled, breaking the silence. “Any sane woman would be thankful for my help, but not this one. She went right on back to the loser that was keeping her captive.”

Lori tensed up, and Chains glared at Xavier.

“It wasn’t like that,” Lori said.

Chains kissed her head again, tucking her in close. It was exactly like that, but he’d given her a much better life than the one she’d been living.

“Yeah, because you’re suffering with Stockholm Syndrome or some shit,” El Diablo said.

“You’re a sick fuck,” Bain said.

“That better be directed at me.” Chains wouldn’t have any of them bad mouthing his woman. He was the one with the issues here, not her.

“Let’s keep this going. So, when did you two meet?” El Diablo asked.

“He came into the diner where I worked.”

“And how did you end up in his basement? I admit that it was a pretty nice basement, but still. Chains certainly likes to give his prisoners the best.”

Chains closed his eyes. He didn’t want nor did he need to hear this shit right now. “Are you done?”

“Seriously, Chains, what did you do?” Bain asked.

Glancing down, he saw Lori smiling up at him. “It is kind of weird how we met, isn’t it?”

“Do you regret it?”

“No, not for a single second.”

“He has her completely brainwashed.” El Diablo put a finger against his head, and gave it a turn.

“He’s never hurt me, or done anything that makes me fear for my safety.” He saw the smile in her eyes, the love shining back at him. This was his fucking prize for all those years of torture and abuse. “He’s taken care of me.”

“See, I’m telling you, cuckoo.”

“Shut the fuck up,” Chains said. “If I didn’t have to deal with you I wouldn’t be heading to see Boss. He’s probably got a huge stick up his ass over this.”

Bain snorted. “He’ll get over it.”

“You’re telling me he didn’t sound pissed?” asked Chains.

“Oh, he sounded pissed. He wasn’t happy with what you did with Lori. That’s really put you on his shit list. All things considered, that’s an achievement. I don’t know if I should be proud of you or fucking afraid for you,” Bain said.

This didn’t bode well for him at all.

Boss demanded excellence. Not only had Chains taken a woman against her will, he’d also been completely sloppy at work. Boss didn’t mind a lot of things, and in fact, he often looked the other way, but sloppy work didn’t slide.

Running a hand down his face, Chains squeezed Lori’s thigh. Whatever happened, he would do what he could to protect her. He loved her more than anything else in the world.

She was his woman, and his very reason for living.

“You look worried,” she said.

El Diablo snorted. “He should be pissing himself with fear.”

“Shut the fuck up,” Chains said. “I don’t need a lecture on shit from you when you don’t even know what you’re dealing with.” He stared down at his woman. “It’ll be okay.”

“Why do I feel like you’re lying to me?”

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