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Claiming His Prize (Killer of Kings 5)

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Chains had lied to her, but that was okay. Lori knew he was doing it to protect her, not that she needed all that much protection. Whatever happened, she was going to take the few weeks she’d been with Chains with her. They were the best weeks of her life, and that meant a lot to her.

She never thought that she’d fall in love, or that happiness would ever be within her grasp.

The car was pulled into a hotel parking lot, which did surprise her.

“A hotel?”

“This is a Killer of Kings hotel, Lori. This is where we make bad shit happen and can clean it up without anyone noticing.”

This made her shake. Chains didn’t let her hand go as they climbed out of the car. Bain stood by her side and El Diablo next to Chains. They headed toward the main doors where men with guns were waiting.

This didn’t bode well for either of them. Biting her lip, she tried to keep the fear locked inside, but again, that wasn’t helping.

The men looked at them with that horrible smirk that she’d come to associate with all of their colleagues. Chains held onto her shoulders as they entered the elevator. She smiled at him in their reflection of the mirrored box. If he was there with her, she knew she’d be safe.

Placing her hands on top of his, she saw him smile back. When they first met, Chains’s smile was … scary. He didn’t really know how to do it, and he always looked so sad. That was changing, and she was pleased to have been part of it.

“I love it when you smile,” she said.

“You’re the one I smile for, baby, all the time.” He pressed a kiss to her temple, and she closed her eyes, loving his touch. She’d gladly stay in his arms all day long.

“I love you, Chains, so much.”

His arms moved from her shoulders to around her body.

“I was thinking about our wedding,” he said.

She smiled, liking this conversation. “Am I in a white dress?”

“Absolutely. I wouldn’t expect anything less.”

She saw Chains had surprised his friends.

“Would we get married in Vegas?”

“No. It would be a small wedding. Something modest. A couple of witnesses. We’d have a big cake, and I mean a huge one.”

“I like that idea.”

“Me too. I love cake. You’d have to work on your vows.”

“Would you write your own?” she asked.

“Of course. I’d say how much I love you and that I would work to keep you safe, and never hurt you, not ever.”

She leaned back against him. The elevator was taking such a long time.

“That sounds so beautiful.”

“Do I get an invitation to this wedding?” El Diablo asked.

“I don’t know. If Boss doesn’t shoot your ass, we’ll see.”

The elevator doors opened, and she felt Chains tense behind her. He tried to hide it, but she always felt a difference in his body, and right now, every part of her was screaming to protect, to keep him safe. It was probably weird considering he was the one with the experience in weapons.

No one had ever tried to save her man, and she wanted to be the first. She wanted to prove to him that she did love him, and it wasn’t about some stupid kidnapping thing. This was the real deal.

Yes, he’d taken her.

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