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To Claim His Girl

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Chapter One

The start of high school was always a big deal, but this time it was different. Eli Waters climbed out of his car, and stared out toward the lake where he knew his friends would be. They had all been banned from writing to him. He’d known his father had made sure no mail had come to him in the year since he’d been expelled from school. As punishment for being expelled, his father had decided to send him away to military school. That hadn’t worked out all that great.

So, throwing money at the local high school, Blythe Ridge High, Eli was back, and the principal was going to overlook his record. Lighting his cigarette, Eli smiled as he listened to his friends screaming. Only Chris knew that he was meeting them. He didn’t want to spoil the surprise.

Making his way through the clearing, he held back, watching the guys. Rachel, Mary, Branson, and Chris were in the lake, laughing and giggling, basking in the last few days before school started.

By the fire, he saw Aria Dean laughing at their friends. They had been friends since kindergarten, always getting into trouble. He’d heard some people in the school question their friendship. Aria was a fuller girl, nicely rounded, and some called her fat. In fact, it was Wayne calling her “fat ass”, and a couple of other names Eli had rather she never heard that got him expelled.

“I see you’ve started the fun without me,” he said, capturing their attention.

Rachel and Mary squealed while Branson and Chris simply laughed.

The only person he was interested in was Aria. She smiled at him but didn’t rush toward him. Rachel and Mary threw their arms around his neck, and jumped up and down.

“You’re back. I can’t believe you’re back.”

Chris came up to take Rachel back. “I told you I had a surprise for you.”

“I thought the surprise was going to be something a lot harder,” Rachel said, pushing back against Chris’s dick.

Shaking hands with his friends, and hugging the girls, Eli saw Aria standing back a little. She was biting her lip, which he always found a turn-on. It would drive him crazy as she had the plumpest lips he’d ever seen. He’d spent many times imagining those lips wrapped around his dick. He was eighteen, and most of his wet dreams featured this long haired vixen. She was a sweetheart, and he loved her.

There, he’d said it. He loved Aria, and she was the reason he’d come back home.

“You not got a hug for your friend?” he asked, giving her a smirk.

She rolled her eyes. “You’re deadly, Eli. I had no idea you were coming back.” She moved toward him, and wrapped her arms around him. He basked in the feel of her soft body against his. Her large tits pressed against his body. Damn, she felt and smelled better than he remembered.

“Wait, you knew?” Branson asked, pointing at Chris.

“Hell yeah, guess I’m the real best friend.”

Eli released her as Aria fought to be free. “And I’m back for good.”

“Back, as in high school back?”

“As in, we’re together, as a group.” He took a long draw on his cigarette and blew out the smoke.

Aria’s nose wrinkled, and she moved away. He couldn’t look away. She wore a long, white skirt that flowed down to her ankles. Her feet were bare, and the strappy top covered up those nice big tits. He didn’t know what he was going to do to make her see that they were destined to be together.

“You coming skinny dipping?” Rachel asked.

“Maybe later.” He removed his jacket, stubbed out his cigarette, and made his way toward the blanket. Aria had her knees drawn up to her chest.

Their friends rushed back into the lake to bask in the last of the afternoon sun.

“They never change, do they?” he asked.

“It’s fun. We’ve spent a lot of time here this summer trying to stay out of trouble.”

“Okay, that doesn’t sound like my friends. What the hell happened?” he asked.

“Simple. You left, and Branson decided the best way to deal was to steal Principal Redgrave’s car. We got caught, and if it wasn’t for my dad, we’d be in some kind of youth school. It was a nightmare. Dad nearly sent me to an all girls school.”

“No,” he said.

He would have been so pissed. Before he was forced to leave, he’d made Branson and Chris promise to take care of his girl, Aria.

“Yep. We either hang out at the lake, or go shopping, or even see the movies. It has been an uneventful summer, and believe me, I’m glad about that.” She chuckled.

They were pulled away by screaming near the water. He saw Branson was picking up the girls and tossing them in.

“Are you going to do it?” Eli asked

“Do what?”

“Jump in, have a swim.”

Aria stared out toward the lake and shook her head. “Nah, you know I don’t do that. Besides, you’ll never see me in a bikini.”

This was what he hated. She had absolutely no confidence when it came to her body. She was a size sixteen, but to him, she was hot, beautiful. He loved her curves, and he’d even seen her naked a couple of times, by accident of course. She wasn’t aware of it, but it had happened. He’d been at her house, before he’d gotten into trouble, and he’d gone to check on her, only to find her getting changed. Of course, he couldn’t do anything about his desire for her. Aria was … different. She didn’t have boyfriends, or play any of the games they used to play. Now that they were older, and he’d been gone a year, he hoped that time had made her heart grow fonder.

“We could go in together,” he said.

She wrinkled her nose. “You go ahead. I’m happy to be here, watching.”

“Then I’ll stick around with you.”

“You don’t have to.”

“It’s what I want to do.”

“You’ve been away for a year. Go, have some fun.” She pointed toward the lake.

He reached out, taking hold of her hand. “I’m having fun right here.”

“Hey, guys, come on, the water feels great,” Mary said, screaming as Branson wrapped his arms around her.

Eli adored his friends. He’d missed them, and it was why he’d gone out of his way to make sure he could get back home.

“So what was military school like?”

“It was long, hard, and a lot of shouting.”

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