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To Claim His Girl

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“What?” Eli looked at all four of his friends. “Are you guys shitting with me?”

“First, ew, gross. No we’re not. She’s not been with anyone.” Mary spoke up.

“How do you know this?” he asked.

“We’re all friends. The past year there wasn’t a single guy in her life. She’s just not interested,” Rachel said.

“I think it’s because of her dad throwing all those old guys her way,” Mary said.

“The last one was kind of cute, but he was like thirty years old.” Rachel and Mary started talking between themselves.

Eli rubbed his eyes, wondering how he stayed friends with these people. They gossiped about everyone. “How do you think you’re going to help me?”

“Simple, we constantly push you and Aria together,” Mary said, clapping her hands.

“That’s it. That’s your plan?” he asked.

“What’s yours?” Chris butted in. “Carrying her dinner plate, or maybe it’s her books next?”

He glared at Chris. “You’re supposed to be on my side.”

“I am, dude. Just saying, it was a totally lame ass move.”

“Don’t you girls like that?” he asked, looking toward Rachel and Mary.

“It’s nice,” Rachel said. “But it has been overdone in movies, and in books. Besides, Aria isn’t just anyone. She’s, you know, our girl and all. Our best friend. Think about that, Eli. We’ve all been best friends for like ever, and you know her. You don’t need to rely on gimmicks and stuff like that.”

“Yeah, man,” Branson said. “You know her. We’re all friends.”

“What’s going on?” Aria asked, walking toward them. She was carrying a large text book, with her bag flung on one shoulder. The jeans she wore rode low on her full hips. She had that hourglass style figure, with huge tits.

His cock was getting hard just by staring at her.

“Your birthday,” Rachel said. “We’re talking about your birthday, and how we’re going to celebrate.”

Aria stopped. “I thought we went out to the lake, you guys get drunk, and leave Eli and me on the hood of his car while you guys screw in the front and back seats.”

“Good times,” Branson said, to which Mary hit him.

“We’re not that bad.” Rachel folded her arms.

“Actually, I do believe the last two birthdays that is exactly what we did.”

Aria chuckled. “You were here for my last birthday, remember?” she said, looking at Eli.

“I do.”

They had looked at the stars, and he’d made up stories as they did. She had laughed all night.

“Okay, who am riding with?” she asked.

“Eli,” everyone said in unison.

“O-kay. Is everyone all right? I’m a little … freaked right now.”

Eli moved forward, and placed his arm across her shoulder, smoothly taking the large book out of her hands. “It’s the first day back at school. Everyone is tense, and freaked out by everything.”

“I know. Did you see steroid Wayne? There’s no way he’s gotten that buff by just working out,” Mary said. “I heard some of the cheerleaders talking, and they said he’s known for being lazy in the bedroom.”

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