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To Claim His Girl

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“Before you were just my friend. Now, it’s different, and we’re not friends.”

“We’ll always be friends, Aria. Always. I don’t want this to change us.”

“How can it not? You heard Becky. You hooked up with her, and probably a gazillion other girls. I’m not your type. I’ll never be your type.”

She gasped as his hands landed on her hips, holding her in place. “You’re more my type than you realize.”

“If it isn’t fatty and the crazy,” Wayne said, and Aria closed her eyes. This was the last thing she needed right now.

Putting the last of her books in her bag, she slammed her locker closed, and pulled her bag onto her shoulder.

“What the fuck did you say?” Eli asked.

“I think it’s cute. You banging the fat chick now. Is this because you can’t get anyone else, or have the other bitches gotten bored of you?”

The anger rolled off of Eli, and she knew she had to get him out of the way before he did something he’d regret.

“Screw you, small dick. Come on, Eli, he’s not worth it.”

“Go, Eli. When you’ve fucked her fat ass, maybe you can tell us what it’s like to screw a tub of lard.”

She let out a scream as Eli rushed Wayne, grabbing his jacket, and slamming him against the nearest wall.

“Eli, stop!” She moved forward, grabbing his arm, and trying to yank him away from Wayne.

“You think you’re so fucking smug, do you?” Eli asked. “You think I give a shit about all of this, asshole? You mean nothing to me. You don’t get to look at her, or even breathe in her direction.”

She saw Redgrave walking down the long corridor. “Eli, I mean it, stop.”

“What is the meaning of this?” Redgrave asked.

“Nothing, sir. Just a friendly joke between … friends.”

“Wayne, is that what is happening?”

“Of course, sir. You don’t abide fighting, and Eli wouldn’t want to get expelled again.”

Slowly, they parted, and Aria, grabbed his arm, moving him away from Wayne.

“What the hell is the matter with you? Wayne hates your guts, and the last thing you should be doing is letting him get to you.”

“I don’t like when he talks shit about you. It’s going to stop.”

She snorted. “You think he’s the first person to say bad stuff? Believe me, he’s not the first, and I doubt he’ll be the last.”

They made their way to homeroom, and as usual took a seat in the back.

“No one is going to sa

y shit to you while I’m around.”

Running fingers through her hair, she turned toward him. “What about when you’re not there? Eli, you can’t threaten every single guy or girl that doesn’t like me.”

He raised a brow.

“If you really want to stick around like you said you did, you’d agree with me, and not start fights that are going to get you kicked out. Wayne’s doing it on purpose. He doesn’t like that you’re back after he got you expelled last time. Please, try, for me, to be normal.”

She placed her hand on his arm in the hope of trying to reach him.

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