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To Claim His Girl

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“Where’s Redgrave? Keeping out of it?” Eli asked.

“Actually, I’m right here. Dealing with a very angry parent.”

“Let me guess, Wayne’s dad?”

“Yes, as a matter of fact.”

He snorted, and turned to Aria. “Coward.”

“Be nice, and I’ll be here waiting.”

Eli didn’t want to leave her but he didn’t see much choice, and so releasing her hand, he walked into Redgrave’s office and took a seat.

“I don’t like you being here, Eli. It goes against all code once you have been expelled.”

“Then why didn’t Wayne get expelled?” he asked. “He fought back, didn’t he?”

“You initiated the fight, and I’m not about to get into the details.”

“The check my father wrote should be more than enough to make you feel better.”

“Don’t take that tone with me.”

“I wonder where the money went, your school, or your pocket.”

Silence fell across the room. Eli had never liked the principal. He was never about helping anyone but himself.

“Right, so I agreed to your father’s conditions. You’re allowed back providing you remain a high scoring student. I don’t want any fights at all.”

“If someone else starts something, I’ll finish it.”

Redgrave glared at him. “Be warned, Waters. If I think for a second that you’re causing trouble in my school, I will end you. You’ll be out of here so fast, you won’t even have time to say goodbye to your friends.”

“It’s a good job I’m planning on being a good boy then, right?” He hated this fucker. Everything would be worth it if he got to be with Aria for their final year of school.

“Go and get your stuff. I don’t want to hear from you.”

Getting to his feet, Eli walked out of the office, and smiled the moment he saw Aria looking through his stuff.

“Have I got something to look forward to?” he asked.

“You’re with me for homeroom, and then we have the same classes for English, sex ed, and also gym, yay. But don’t worry, you’re spread between me and the guys, like we all are.”

“Yeah, they can’t keep us all apart for long.”

Leaving the principal’s office, they made their way down toward their lockers. Hers was three down from his, and he remembered all the times he would stare at her without her even realizing it. So, he’d had it bad for a long time, and he’d just put it down to them being friends. He’d had no idea how much he would miss her until they’d been forced apart a year.

Eli didn’t want to be without her.

He wasn’t a saint not by any means. In fact, he’d actually had sex for the first time when he was fourteen, and it had been with the cleaner. It wasn’t a proud moment. He lasted five minutes, and made a complete mess of himself, and her. For the rest of the year, she’d taught him how to love a woman. Now, for some fourteen was a little young, but it had helped him through a hard time in his life, and the anger he felt, had been changed. He’d been more focused on learning how to please a woman. After six months, she had moved on, and he’d never seen or heard from her again, which he didn’t mind. Even though she taught him everything, there was so much guilt inside her. He would never let anything happen to her as he was grateful.

Everything he’d learned, and the practice he’d gotten, he hoped would be enough to help with his first time with Aria.


“So, your boyfriend’s back,” Wayne said.

Aria sighed, and placed her book back into her locker. She was about to head toward the dining hall. She was hungry, and right now she didn’t want to deal with this joke.

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