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A Christmas Night to Remember

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She smiled tremulously. ‘Maybe we aren’t the smartest kids on the block,’ she admitted weakly. Joy, like warm honey, was spreading through her body with healing reassurance. She could believe this. She could trust him. She had wasted weeks of her life letting fear dictate her actions and rule her mind, but no more. She must have been crazy—stark, staring mad—to imagine Zeke would look at another woman or walk away from her. He wasn’t like her father or her grandfather. He was unique and all hers. Her husband, her love, her life.

They held each other tightly until the crescendo of emotion descended to a more controllable plane, and after one more long, lingering kiss she snuggled into him with her head on his chest. ‘I booked in to this hotel for a few days,’ she whispered drowsily, after a minute or two of listening to the steady beat-beat of his heart beneath her cheek. ‘We can spend them all in bed, can’t we? Have all our meals here?’

She knew he was smiling. She could read it in his voice when he murmured, ‘Sure thing,’ as his hands wandered soothingly over her skin, stroking her neck, her shoulder, her back in light caresses. ‘We’ve got some time to make up and I can’t think of a better place to do it. Besides, plenty of sleep, plenty of exercise—of the most beneficial kind,’ he added, squeezing one rounded buttock to give emphasis to his words, ‘along with good food and drink is just what you need. This is our time. No one knows where we are, the phone won’t ring, and my mobile’s switched off. There’ll be no taps at the door apart from Room Service.’

‘Mmm.’ Heaven on earth. Melody closed her eyes and felt herself gradually drift towards sleep. Zeke’s breathing had become slow and steady and she knew he’d fallen asleep, but one arm was draped over the dip in her waist and the other hand was tangled in her hair as though even while he slept he needed to know she was secure and within his grasp.

She thought of the snow family in the courtyard and smiled dreamily. Last night had been magical and infinitely precious, but they had the rest of their lives to look forward to now. Nights locked in each other’s arms and days spent together as they worked to bring hope to children who expected none, who were damaged like Zeke had been. Th

is was a new chapter, a new beginning, and when the babies came—Zeke’s babies—they would be loved as neither of them had been loved when they were young. Their children would grow up strong and secure in their parents’ love—she and Zeke would make sure of that—each one knowing they were precious and unique.

Zeke stirred slightly, drawing her even closer as he murmured her name in his sleep, and as she floated into a warm, soft, safe place she knew that to him she was everything—the only woman he could ever love, complete and whole. And because he thought she was beautiful she was.

Sleep crept up on her, and in her hazy contentment she thought of Mabel and her wise words. She would go and see the old lady again, and take Zeke with her this time. She felt they were meant to be good friends, and the loneliness she had sensed in the brave old soul could be channelled to some extent. Children loved a grandmother figure, and always responded to dogs too. She could see Mabel joining them for days out once the school was up and running, and she was sure the old lady would play her part in counselling hurting little hearts the same way Mabel had comforted her that morning.

She slept, and the two of them continued to lie wrapped closely in each other’s arms—two hearts that beat as one, two minds intrinsically linked for eternity with that most powerful and sweetest of bonds, true love.

They had come through the fiery furnace. They were home.

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