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Haley's Cabin

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have her legs trembling. A moan welled and managed to escape.

“That’s a good girl,” Jay cooed, “moan for me. I want you every damn way I can think of. I’m going to

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make you come over and over before the weekend is through.”

It wasn’t her dream, but the sweet torment on her body, the stretching sensations of her bottom, were so

much like her dream, it was all very disorienting. Haley’s inner seductress came to life inside her,

experiencing everything from another plane of existence. Never in her life had she known such an

extreme and exhilarating overload. Having his finger in such a forbidden part of her body was taboo and

yet wonderfully fulfilling.

“Haley.” Her name seemed wrenched from deep within him. “You’re so damn perfect. As if you were

made just for my hands. My cock. My pleasure." His voice was rough and impatient. “I want you. Now,

damn it.”

“Yes, Jay, right here, oh, please!”

Instead of taking her as she wanted him to, he used his other hand to toy and play with the swollen nub

of her clit. Taking it between his thumb and index finger, he pinched gently, rolling and caressing it until

Haley shouted his name in a feverish orgasm, undulating against his hands.

As she quieted and came back to earth, Jay pulled his fingers free and let out a low curse. “I’ve got

protection,” he muttered. “but it’s killing me having to use it.”

“I’m on the pill,” she said, breathless and eager. The web of eroticism he so skillfully wove around them

snared her in its grip. “It doesn’t matter.”

He was silent for so long, she was sure he was going to force the issue. “You tempt me, baby. The

thought of being skin to skin is so fucking sweet. I’m clean. I just had a physical last month and I’ve not

been with anyone since, but it’d be irresponsible to not use a condom. Mind you, it’s the very last thing I


She nodded in understanding. She did believe him, she even trusted him, which was a little bit scary. He

exhaled as if he'd held his breath and said, “Hold on just one more second, baby, and we’ll both be in


The water splashed and spilled over the sides as Jay stood and reached for a condom pack. He must’ve

had one with him when they came out, not that she’d noticed. He could have carried an entire box of the

things and she wouldn’t have noticed. Haley’s mouth kicked up as she looked at him with

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