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Haley's Cabin

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inhaled sharply, so he went for broke. “Please, say you’ll stay here with me. I swear you won’t regret a

single minute of our weekend together, sweetheart.”

Haley’s voice was so quiet he nearly didn’t hear her. “I will stay, Jay. I’ve never felt like this before.”

She paused. “I don’t want you to get scared. I’m not professing love everlasting here, but I feel so

comfortable with you. Like I can be myself and you won’t run in the opposite direction.” She pushed

away slightly and stared up at him. “Does that make sense?”

“It makes perfect sense.” He kissed the tip of her nose. “I’ve felt a pretty damn strange mix of

tenderness and possessiveness with you. That’s a new one for me.” She frowned and he wished he’d

said something more poetic, more romantic. But he wasn’t cut out for that. He’d only end up sounding

like a complete fool.

“And I dreamed about you, before I even knew you.” She cocked her head and asked, “How is that


He didn’t have any answers to that, either, but he wasn’t one to question fate. “I wish I knew. The truth

is, I’m just glad you’re here now. No matter the odd sequence of events.” He leaned down and lifted her

into his arms.

Jeremy took her up the stairs to the loft above. He liked his brother’s cabin and he especially loved the

loft. It sported a king-sized oak bed. Perfect. The headboard was made of huge, round logs. It looked

rustic but stylish at the same time. There were end tables on both sides of the bed that matched and a

small lamp that would light the room just enough for him to see Haley’s nude body, but not too bright as

to be intrusive. He definitely owed Brad for loaning him his home-away-from-home.

Jeremy laid Haley on the soft down comforter and turned on the lamp. He unwrapped the towel from

around her body, little by little revealing her tantalizing body. “I know you need a break,” he reassured

her, even as he stared at the rise and fall of her modest but nonetheless impressive chest. “I just want to

look at you.” He licked his lips, aching for a taste of her, and murmured, “You’re so damn pretty.”

“Thank you.”

She was incredibly polite, her voice delicate. If he hadn’t just witnessed it himself, Jeremy would never

have believed he’d wrenched two screaming orgasms out of her. She could have been a virgin, lying

there, legs pressed innocently together. Amazing.

He smoothed the backs of his fingers down her arm and answered, “You’re welcome.” Then he walked

away from the bed, away from temptation. “Now I say we get on our comfy clothes and make some

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