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Haley's Cabin

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clench? Jesus, how could a guy go his whole life, happily single and free of entanglements, wish overnight

for something more, something solid?

“Jay? Is something wrong?”

Haley’s question made him realize he was frowning and staring at her. They’d reached the kitchen and

she’d mentioned wanting hot chocolate. He’d gotten derailed with thoughts of commitment and crap.

Jeremy shook his head and gave her an easy smile. “Nothing’s wrong.” He reached for her, pulled her

into his arms and tried to ignore how right she felt. “In fact, everything is just about perfect.” He leaned

down and kissed her. Her lips were soft as rose petals, the lower one plump and so damn edible. He

could spend hours tasting her, eating at her as if she were a juicy dessert. She trembled, and he

remembered she’d said she was cold. Her eyes had drifted closed with the first contact of his lips and

she’d yet to open them. She looked sweet and sexy and innocent all rolled into one.

“Hot chocolate and food,” he muttered, as if reminding them both there was inde

ed more than sex.

Though he couldn’t think of anything he’d rather be doing at that moment than taking Haley right back up

the stairs. He’s spread her out on the bed and have his way with her—while she was handcuffed to the

headboard. That was something he definitely wanted to do before the weekend was over. Hell, before

the night was over.

Page 27

“Hot chocolate and food. Right,” she confirmed as she slowly opened her eyes. He loved her eyes. They

were green and so pale they seemed to see right through him.

He snapped himself back to reality. “Why don’t you go see if you can work that monster of an

entertainment cabinet and I’ll get us some munchies.”

She smiled and turned, then called over her shoulder, “And hot chocolate, don’t forget the hot


He chuckled. The woman had a thing for hot chocolate, obviously. He watched her sashay out of the

kitchen and clutched the edge of the counter to keep himself from diving for her, wrestling her to the

floor. Screw the bed. Screw the hot chocolate. Jeremy pushed a hand through his unruly hair and

searched for the hot chocolate. The sooner he had her stomach satisfied, the sooner he’d move on to

satisfying the rest of her body.

Haley grinned from ear to ear. First, the big, sexy man cooked dinner for her, then he gave her not one

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