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Haley's Cabin

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Page 41

She took a drink of her chocolate and tried to sound nonchalant as she asked, “So, who was th

at on the


He placed his chocolate on the coffee table, then put his finger under her chin, forcing her to look at him.

“Afraid it was another woman?”

Actually, the thought had crossed her mind, but she wasn’t thrilled he could read her so well. “No, not at

all. I was just curious.”

“Little liar.” She started to say more in her own defense, but he rode right over her. “I already told you

that you can’t lie for shit. No, it wasn’t a woman. It was my brother.” In a more seductive tone he said,

“I told him I’d call him back later because I had more pressing things to tend to at the moment.”

“Oh, I see.” What was she supposed to say to that? I’m glad it wasn’t a woman, because that would

have crushed my heart into a thousand tiny pieces? She didn’t think he’d want to hear that. In a lame

attempt to keep from spouting out nonsense, she gulped her hot chocolate and nearly burned her tongue.

Jay took her mug from her hands and whispered, “I want to see our movie, baby, so quit stalling.” Then

he picked up one of the remotes and groused, “There’s two of them. What am I supposed to do with

two remotes?”

She rolled her eyes and yanked the gadget out of his hands. “I’ll do it. You’ll only hurt yourself.”

He tugged a lock of her hair in punishment and murmured, “Smart-ass.”

Butterflies flitted in her stomach at his comment. Good God, only Jay could make a criticism sound so

darn hot and sexy. His voice, as well as his eyes, should be illegal.

Haley pushed a few buttons, starting the television, then used the other remote to play their movie. The

bedroom appeared on the screen. It was darkly lit, but plenty visible. She saw herself on the bed then

Jay came into view, his backside to the camera. Good lord, he had a beautiful ass. Her gaze was fairly

glued to the screen as she watched Jay wrap the handcuffs around her wrists and begin to touch and

caress her. The smooth sounds of jazz they’d played could be heard and it turned everything more


Every nerve in her body was on fire with the intensity that sizzled between them—on screen and off. Her

nervousness over seeing herself on the television vanished. It was fascinating to watch the way Jay

controlled the entire act. She couldn’t always see his face, but she could see the delicate way he treated

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