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Haley's Cabin

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door. I’ve got a shitty apartment that’s not fit for me, much less a lady, though I do have a healthy bank

account. Money isn’t an issue, baby, you can trust me on that.” He paused, caught by the tenderness in

her eyes. Jeremy knew he needed to get on with it or he’d lose his nerve. Damn, the police academy had

been easier than this.

“There will be days when I’m going to be working way too many hours. There will be long periods when

I’ll be immersed in a case and may not even realize you exist. I apologize for that ahead of time.” His

mouth kicked up in a rueful grin. He wasn’t doing much to convince her what a great catch he was. “But

I swear I’ll try to make you happy. No one will ever love you as much as I do, Haley. No one.”

“Oh, Jay,” she whispered, touching his jaw with her small, delicate fingers. Jeremy’s chest felt tight as he

saw her eyes suddenly fill with tears. “It’s not material things I’m after,” she told him, then shrugged.

“Besides, my job is very demanding, too. Lordy, when I’m writing script, I’m practically in another

world.” Haley’s face softened a fraction and Jeremy breathed easier knowing she wasn’t going to let the

tears fall. Her strength was just one more thing he loved about her.

She took him by surprise when she ran her finger over his lips and murmured, “But that doesn’t mean I

can’t make time for you. I’m exactly where I want to be. Right here in your arms. For the rest of my life,

I want to be right here in your arms.”

He stroked her back. “Good, then we’re agreed. Living without each other is not a fucking option.” His

impatience grew to new heights as he stared at her sweet tits. “Now, if you don’t make love to me, I’ll

have to tease you until you cry uncle.” Her eyes lit at the prospect and Jeremy’s body vibrated with

anticipation. He truly enjoyed the way Haley responded to him.

“You brought the handcuffs?”

“Damn right I did.”

“Oh, yes. Pretty please, can we?”

“Yes, baby, anything, I promise,” Jeremy assured her and he meant every word. “But, first the floor. I

can’t wait any longer to be inside you.”

“Great idea,” she said, then leaned down to kiss him, but he was the one stopping this time as he

remembered the minor detail of the DVD. He hated bringing it up, especially now, but he had to clear the

air about that one issue. After that, there’d be nothing else between them. Well, accept for a few articles

of clothing. A tug here and a pull there and that problem would be happily solved.

“You forgot something back at the cabin,” Jeremy ventured, praying she wouldn’t freak when he told

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