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Haley's Cabin

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conflicting demands of her friends and family, her career and love.

Enjoy the following excerpt from Finding Home :

Megan looked at the boy under the awning, bathed in the glow of pink neon. He shifted his back against

the wall, finding a more comfortable position, and drew a long drag on his cigarette, letting the smoke out

in a thin, steady stream through his nose.

It had been two years and one month since Megan’s last cigarette and the nicotine craving still ached like

a sore tooth sometimes. Watching his sensual enjoyment of the cigarette awakened more than one kind

of desire in her. She drew a deep breath and walked up to him. “Hi. Remember me from, uh, last night?”

He slid a sideways glance at her.

“That boy Ricky said you could help me with something. It’s a writing project I’m working on.”

He looked away from her without answering. Either he was considering speaking or waiting for her to

give up and walk away.

“I’m a reporter. I just want an interview. That’s all. Really.”

“What are you reporting?” He stared at the street, dropping the hand with the cigarette to his side.

“I’m writing about street kids, how they get in that situation and what they do to survive.” When the boy

turned and looked through her with his cool blue eyes, Megan’s idea for her article suddenly sounded

completely stupid. How could she understand his life from asking a few questions? But she was here and

she had his attention. Bracing herself, she plunged on. “I have a few questions about your background, a

little about your daily life and what your hopes are for your future.”

He snorted in derision.

“If you prefer the interview to be confidential, we could go to that diner.” She gestured down the street.

“I’ll buy you dinner. You answer my questions. Quick and painless.” She smiled.

“How much?”

Page 67

“Excuse me?”

“Fifty bucks for twenty minutes. My time is valuable.”

“Um.” Megan calculated the cash she had available and what bills she needed to pay. “I can give you,

uh, twenty.” He seemed to be considering so she added, “Plus the meal. It’s all I can afford.” The ethics

of paying for an interview were questionable, but she decided this was a one-time transaction.

His gaze slowly wandered over her from head to foot.

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