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Haley's Cabin

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She was sunning herself and she was so fucking sexy it hurt. Even from a distance it was clear she had a

sweet little hourglass shape. Now he knew he was delirious. No way would a babe like that be way out

in this neck of the woods.

Jeremy was rooted to the spot as the vision in the white bikini rose to a sitting position, stretched like a

lazy cat and turned over. Now he stared at her ass.

“Damn,” he mumbled. “Brad, you’re a friggin’ genius, bro.” Maybe the weekend wasn’t a lost cause

after all.

Jeremy started across the yard, impatient to get closer to the enticing creature, but slowed as he

approached the porch. He didn’t want to scare the lady half to death. He had to admit, even as his

tongue started to take on the texture of sandpaper, he wasn’t nearly as concerned about getting to a

phone or water anymore.

Once he was within a few feet of the porch, he could see her face was turned away from him and he

took advantage, letting his gaze wander.

Her body wasn’t darkly tanned, but more the color of honey with a slight redness at the tops of her

shoulders. Her hair was swept into a messy pile on top of her head. Little brown curls had escaped and

were scattered around her nape. That wasn’t what had him as hard as a railroad spike, however. It was

the tiny white suit she wore. It had those little ties at the hips, just daring a man to pull the string and find

the treasures beneath. Jeremy stopped his perusal, wishing like hell he could stop his raging boner, and

cleared his throat. That got her attention. She fairly jumped ten feet in the air.

“Whoa, easy there, honey. No need to get all rattled,” he said, trying to look charming. He probably

looked more like a prison escapee with his hair and clothes a sweaty mess.

“I promise, I’m not a serial killer. I just, well, I broke down and I’m really hoping you might have a nice,

cold drink of so

mething. Of anything. Because, damn, I’m thirsty.” He left off the part about the phone.

She stared, wide-eyed and nervous, and started to look a little pale. It was as if she’d seen a ghost or

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something. He reached out a hand and touched her shoulder. It was hot from the sun and slippery from

the oil she’d rubbed all over. A mental picture of her rubbing herself down sprang to mind. Which, of

course, caused his dick to spring readily to life. Down, boy.

“You okay?” Jeremy asked. “You’re white as a sheet.” He frowned, wondering if she’d gotten too

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