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Touching Lace (Vaughn)

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“Lesson two, remember?” he reminded her.

“Yeah, lesson two. You can tell me all about it in the bedroom.” Lacey tugged on his hand again and smiled up at him. He looked so sweet, so ravenous, as if he were drinking her in with his eyes. It was the ultimate temptation.

“No,” he said, attempting to sound stern. He failed miserably, because Lacey wasn’t buying it.

She was about to push a little more, but he placed his index finger to her lips and murmured, “We need to slow down a little, baby.”

She pouted, but Nick only closed his eyes. Darn it. She was getting nowhere fast.

Lacey moved his finger and protested, “I don’t see why. Things are going pretty well at this pace.”

Nick opened his eyes and stared at the woman before him. She was begging him for sex. What the hell was his problem? Easy. He wanted this to be about more than lessons. Regardless of what he’d told her, he knew if they went into the bedroom, it’d be wham, bam, and she’d be walking right out of his life. No fucking way.

“If we don’t slow down I’m going to come way before you ever get a hint of pleasure. I’ve waited too long for this already.” He watched her gaze flit down his body as if trying to see right through the fabric of his jeans. She was such an inferno of needs and wants right now, and that was as it should be, but Nick wanted more than Lacey’s body. He wanted an emotional intimacy with her and he couldn’t get that if he let her have her way.

Nick touched the tip of her nose and smiled. “First we get to know each other. That’s lesson two. Learning to appreciate the moment.”

Lacey rolled her eyes at him. “I am appreciating the moment. Besides, we already know each other.”

“Not in the way of lovers we don’t. We know each other as buddies. That’s not the same thing. Not by a long shot.”

She looked dubious. “Well yeah, that’s sort of what I was trying to do, get to know you as a lover.”

Nick had no idea restraint could be so difficult. She was just so damned tempting. But he wouldn’t be a s

ubstitute for cookies. Right now that’s all it would be for Lacey. A way to drown her problems in a few blissful moments of sensual gratification.

He rubbed his hand over his face, trying to gather his fortitude. “Lacey, I want to spend time with you. I want to touch and cuddle. Ease into the moment, ya know?”

Lacey sighed. “It occurs to me that I am way out of my element with you, Nick. I don’t know what you want from me. Most men are perfectly content keeping it simple. First sex then get to know each other. I seem to be a virgin at real intimacy.” She let out a sigh, as if accepting the inevitable. “You win. What do you suggest?”

Thank you, God! If she had put up even one more protest Nick would have given in and done things her way. He had a feeling that would be a huge mistake.

“While I desperately want to take you into the bedroom and make love to you all night long, in as many different ways as I can possibly imagine, I think we need to slow down. Just a little.”

Lacey seemed to relax and even grinned.

“It’s a mild, clear night outside. Feel like sitting on the porch with me?” He could see her nervousness still, so he softly added, “No expectations. Just me, you and the stars.”

“Lead the way, Casanova.” She thrust out her hand, appeared pleased when he took it and let him take her to the front porch. Right away Nick felt the connection between them growing stronger. She was more relaxed than he’d ever seen her. This would be nice, he decided. This is what she needed from a man. Not just wild and crazy sex, but a real bond.

They would cuddle and talk about nothing in particular, and then when the time was right, they’d head back into the house and he would take her to his bed where she belonged.

Chapter Six

She was so embarrassed. Lacey couldn’t believe she’d actually fallen asleep. Never had she done something so rude. It was mortifying.

On a happy note, she’d had the best night’s sleep in a long time. But would Nick ever forgive her? The last thing she remembered was sitting on the porch swing with Nick making wishes under the stars. It had been comfortable. Right. Then she woke up in his bed, with her jeans and t-shirt still on, no shoes, tucked under the covers. Had Nick actually carried her to bed while she’d snoozed? She couldn’t believe she’d slept through something so wonderful.

“Life is so not fair,” Lacey grumbled as she rolled out of bed, hastily shed her clothes and hopped into Nick’s shower. She wanted to find him and apologize properly for being so terribly rude. With any luck, he’d give her another chance.

Ten minutes later, she stepped out of the shower and dried off using one of his oversized towels. She pressed her nose to the terrycloth and inhaled. Was it her imagination or could she really smell him? She slipped into a pair of jean shorts and a black crop top that she’d left at his place before then left the room. She didn’t bother to fix her hair; it would just have to dry naturally.

Moving down the hallway, she was caught by the sound of snoring. Nick always snored ridiculously loud. She looked toward the couch and there he lay, sprawled out. No shirt, no shoes, nothing but his jeans with the top button undone. Lord have mercy, the man had a fine looking chest and abs.

Tufts of soft, dark hair curled around each nipple and trailed a path downward over a taut stomach, only to disappear into the waistband of his jeans. His jaw was unshaven. If it were possible, he looked even more gorgeous. Sort of rougher around the edges. She had a moment to wonder what he’d look like with a mustache. Hmm, very handsome, probably. The man looked sinful no matter what.

Lacey tiptoed over to the coffee table directly across from the couch and sat. She touched his jaw. He had such strong, masculine features. She traced one finger down his face to his collarbone and his chest. She had the overpowering urge to lick his nipples.

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