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Touching Lace (Vaughn)

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She raised her head and licked her lips clean. Giving him a much too naive smile, Lacey teased, “Was that to your liking, kind sir?”

“Damn, woman.”

He looked at her quizzically for a moment, while he took a moment to catch his breath. Finally he mumbled, “You continue to surprise me, baby.”

“Do you still need a cold shower?” she asked, feigning innocence.

He looked at her as if she’d lost her mind and let out a deep, belly laugh. “No, I definitely do not.” Then he grinned and asked, “Does this mean you’ll do that every time I feel the need for a cold shower?” His eyes lit up at the prospect.

It was her turn to laugh.

Chapter Seven

Damn, what a way to start the day, Nick thought with male satisfaction. He could seriously get used to this. He buttoned his jeans and stood. Just as he was about to go to the kitchen to put something together for breakfast, he heard a tiny tinkling noise. He looked around the room and realized the sound came from Lacey’s purse.

Her cell phone.

She was in the bathroom, doing whatever women did after an orgasm, so he moved to answer it for her. He grabbed her purse off the table by the front door where she’d haphazardly tossed it the night before. If that bastard Evan was calling to apologize, he had another thing coming.

He located the phone in a little zipper compartment and flipped it open. “Hello.”

An annoyed voice on the other end snarled, “Who the hell is this?”

The deep baritone didn’t sound like Evan. That pissed him off further. Just how many men had her cell number? “Nick. Who the hell is this?”

“Nick?” the voice said, as if puzzled by that revelation.

Nick gritted his teeth. “That’s what I said. Now you feel like telling me who you are or am I going to have to hang up on you?”

The guy had the nerve to chuckle before replying, “Nick, it’s me, Blade.”

Oops. Way to go, Nick. “Oh, sorry about that, Blade. I didn’t recognize your voice.”

“So I gathered.” There was a pause, and then, “Uh, what are you doing answering my sister’s cell at six o’clock in the morning?”

Oops again. He definitely was not winning any points with Lacey’s oldest brother. Blade was a difficult man at the best of times, and he was incredibly too protective of his baby sister.

“She spent the night at my place.”

Nick was a grown man, and he had absolutely nothing to hide.

Except the minor detail that he was teaching Lacey how to please a man.


Just the one word, but Nick could still hear Blade’s disapproval. He sighed. “Blade, your sister’s been through a tough breakup, and I didn’t want her to be alone last night.” Well, it was partially true. Her family didn’t need to know every fucking detail of their relationship. Besides, he’d already been through the third degree with Merrick. How many times must a man go through the Spanish Inquisition?

There was silence for a moment then Blade grumbled, “Yeah, I heard about Evan and Christy. I never liked that little weasel.”

Nick wasn’t sure which of the two Blade referred to, Evan or Christy. Blade didn’t elucidate.

“I’m thinking Evan may like to know what I think about guys who treat my sister like dirt.”

Oh man, Lacey would not appreciate any interference from Blade. According to Merrick, Blade had already called Evan. Anything beyond that was sure to set Lacey’s independent streak off. She considered herself a grown woman, able to take care of her own affairs. But, knowing Blade, he would do as he pleased. Nick couldn’t help but like the way the man’s mind worked. Nick had wanted to be the one to pound Evan into the ground. And yet, if he left it to Blade, Lacey wouldn’t be mad at him, she’d be mad at her brother and Evan would still get pounded. A win-win situation. Besides, Lacey would forgive her brother. She always did whenever he pulled his older brother routine. Which was often.

“The way I hear it, you already called and threatened Evan.”

“It wasn’t enough. Lacey deserves better. I want Evan to hurt.”

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