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Pleasure Bound (Hard to Get 2)

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Jonas leaned close and whispered, “Then why are you turning red?”

She slapped his arm. “Because I’m being suffocated by a big, annoying guy!”

“Do you want me to let you go?” Jonas pressed his erection into the softness of her belly and just barely contained a groan. “And be honest, Deanna.”

She was so silent and still, Jonas wasn’t sure she’d heard his question. Finally, she shook her head.

“Always so stubborn,” he gently chided as he placed a quick kiss to her lips. She moaned and wrapped her arms around his neck. Shit, he loved the way she responded to him. He couldn’t wait to get her to Miami. “I want to ask you something. Something intimate. May I?”

She shut her eyes tight and mumbled, “Yes.”

“Have you ever ... thought about me?”

Her eyes shot wide open and Jonas watched her swallow several times. “You mean, like, fantasized?”

Jonas nodded.

“Yes,” she answered, with a bluntness that Jonas admired. When Deanna lowered her head, as if unwilling to meet his gaze, he knew the admission had been embarrassing for her. It’d cost her. Bold yet shy, the woman was such a contradiction.

“I’ve thought of you too. So damn many times.”

She lifted her head and smiled. “I sort of figured, considering you’ve made no secret about wanting me.”

“You don’t have to be a rocket scientist, that’s for sure,” Jonas acknowledged. “So, what do you do when you think about me, Deanna?”

The intimate question seemed to bring her shyness right back, because she didn’t answer. Jonas wouldn’t let her retreat from him. He moved his hips lower so that he was pushing and stroking the tempting juncture between her legs. She whimpered and thrust her lower body against him.

“Tell me, kitten,” Jonas softly demanded as he began to give her little butterfly kisses along her lips and cheeks. When he reached the shell of her ear, he growled, “Do you touch yourself? Do your hands caress and your fingers stroke?”

She buried her head in his chest and whimpered. A few seconds later, she lifted her head and met his gaze, searing Jonas to the bone with the fire of her desire. “Sometimes,” she stated in a low whisper.

Deanna’s simple answer made him nearly insane with need. She innocently brought the most erotic picture to his mind. Christ, did she have any idea of the dangerous effect she had on him? He ached for her in a way that he’d never ached for a woman. He could wait a few more days, he reminded himself. For now, he’d settle for details of her pleasuring herself.

“I want you to tell me exactly what you do, kitten.”

She shook her head. “We’re in public, Jonas. Wade could be watching us even as we speak.”

Jonas moved his hands, burying them beneath Deanna’s leather jacket. Her cotton-covered breasts resting in his palms were nothing short of heaven. “Wade and Gracie went out to eat. They won’t be back for another hour, at least. And it’s too dark for anyone to see more than a couple embracing.” He plied her nipples through the soft fabric of her T-shirt.

“You might’ve told me he wasn’t here.”

Jonas dipped his head and licked her lower lip before asking, “Would it have mattered?”

“Probably not,” she murmured, moving her hands to his head.

He felt delicate fingers delving into his hair, and Jonas knew a new kind of torment. Having Deanna turned on and not being able to do anything about it sucked raw eggs.

“Details, Deanna,” he chided. “Give me something. I’m dying here.”

His hands squeezed and massaged Deanna’s supple breasts. God, how he resented clothes. Naked, that’s what they should be. Naked and in a king-sized bed.

“I touch my breasts first,” she confessed. “But it doesn’t feel nearly as good as what you’re doing right now.”

Hell if that little tidbit didn’t have his dick harder than ever. “You like the way my hands feel on you, huh?”

“Oh, God, yes.”

“Mmm, you have perfect tits, kitten. You fill my hands as if you were made for me.” Jonas continued his pleasurable torture for another minute; then he slid his hands down her sides and heard her whimper. “Shhh, let me make you feel good,” he crooned.

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