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Pleasure Bound (Hard to Get 2)

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After Jonas paid for the racy bra and panty set, they left the store. The walk back to the house ended up being an extremely quiet trip. Neither of them spoke. Words weren’t necessary, though. They wanted each other; it was that simple.


Jonas had kep

t his damned hands to himself in the store, but kissing her had been a matter of necessity. He’d been so hungry for her that he’d had to have a little something to tide him over. Still, he knew that if he had put his hands against that luscious ass of hers, he would have to be inside of her. No way would he have had the self-control to keep from sliding his cock deep.

Christ, when had he become so greedy? Hell, he never allowed his cock to rule the show. Of course, that was before he’d sampled Deanna. Before he’d seen her eyes go dark with passion. Before he’d watched her shout out her pleasure. All other women paled compared to her. He’d always known that if he ever got her into his bed, he’d never be the same again.

In his gut, Jonas had known for years that Deanna was the only woman for him. When he’d teased her, she’d all but ignored him. When he’d tried to charm his way into her good graces, she’d practically given him the finger. She’d been a challenge from the beginning, but now it was more. Far more. She’d somehow wiggled her way into his heart, and damn if he didn’t like her there.

Jonas slid the key into the lock on the front door and turned the knob, letting her in ahead of him. Once they were both inside, he closed and locked them in before placing his wallet, keys, and cell phone on the entryway table. Deanna turned around, and Jonas watched as she put her purse next to his things, then dropped her packages onto the floor. She didn’t bend to pick them up, only stood there quietly watching him. So eager, yet willing to let him lead. The knowledge turned him on something fierce. Christ, to hell with the bed. To hell with the couch, even. He moved, pinning her against the door.

She lifted her head and their lips found each other. Deanna opened her mouth, and Jonas took advantage and delved inside. His tongue tangled with hers. She tasted sweet, but he wanted more. He wanted all of her. He gripped the hem of her cover-up and hiked it up. Soon, their clothes were littering the floor and he was pushing his cock inside her tight heat. God, she felt good. Tight and hot, and so fucking slick with her juices. Then he remembered. No condom. He pulled out instantly.

“Christ, I can’t believe I forgot.”


“A condom.”

“I’m on the pill, Jonas,” she said, her voice husky with her passion. “And I’m clean.”

“I got a clean bill of health last month, and I haven’t been with anyone in longer than that, but are you sure?”

“I’m sure. Please, I need you.”

“I’m here, kitten.” He wrapped his arms around her and cupped her ass. “Guide me in,” he urged. When she took his cock in her small fist, it was all he could do to keep from coming. Deanna brought him to her entrance and he thrust forward. His cock pushed between her pussy lips, but it wasn’t enough. He needed the fast, hard loving she’d talked about the night before.

Jonas lifted her off the floor and sucked in a breath as Deanna wrapped her long, lean legs around his waist. Her arms came around his neck next, and Jonas heard her moan his name. He held her tight as he impaled her with his hard cock.

“Ride me.”

When Deanna’s lower body began a slow, torturous rhythm, Jonas felt his balls drawing up tight. “Fast,” he coaxed, “like you wanted. Fuck me good, Deanna.”

“Thought you’d never ask,” Deanna murmured as she slammed her pussy onto his dick.

“Ah, God,” he gritted out. His fingers dug into her ass cheeks. Jonas let loose a string of curses as her inner muscles clutched and held him tight. Then she lifted up once more, until he was barely seated inside her an inch. As the bulbous head kissed her pussy lips, Deanna thrust onto him again. Their mouths met, and Jonas gently bit her lower, plumper lip. He suckled, then dipped his tongue inside, teasing a moan from her.

Deanna pulled almost painfully at fistfuls of his hair, then rode his cock hard, forcing him clear to the hilt. Jonas almost lost his balance, but he swiftly pumped back at her, and the pace was on. They took from each other, demanding—hell, almost punishing. He sucked at her tongue; then he felt her mash her breasts against his chest, and he pulled his mouth off her so he could watch her pretty tits bouncing with each rapid movement.

“Jesus, you’re a sight,” he crooned.

She was out of control, thrusting up and down. Suddenly, she screamed and flung her head back against the door as her orgasm bathed his cock. Jonas erupted, filling her with jets of hot cum.

Deanna slumped against him, boneless, completely done in. Both of them breathed heavy, their chests rising and falling in fast, shallow pants. She’d thoroughly worked him over.

“Well, that should hold me over for at least an hour.”

She lifted her head and eyed him as if he had a swarm of spiders crawling all over him. “Are you kidding? I’m dead. You killed me.”

As he released her thighs, she slowly slid to the floor. Jonas waited until he was sure she wasn’t going to fall before he stepped away. “You’re the one doing all the pounding, kitten. All I did was stand here.”

She laughed and started toward the stairs. “Shower, or are you hungry?”

“Shower, but only if I get to be your loofah,” he teased.

When her feet hit the first step, Jonas’s gaze drifted down her body. That’s when he saw marks on her buttocks. Bruises? He drew closer. Christ, he’d hurt her. He’d been too rough.

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