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River's Redemption (Blackwater)

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River’s smile turned wicked. “Soon, I want to hear you moan my name.” He bent his head forward and kissed her pussy. “Look at you. All spicy and hot and slick with need. You’re going to taste incredible.”

At the first teasing touch of his tongue, Jeanette’s legs quivered as if they could barely hold her upright. River seemed to know, as he wrapped his sinewy arms around her thighs to hold her steady while he plundered and explored.

Jeanette couldn’t believe she was finally here. With River. It was an erotic dream come true to have him licking and kissing that secret part of her. And, God, he was talented. When he took her small nub into his mouth and sucked, she lost control. Jeanette moaned out her pleasure as a series of electric shocks skittered up and down her body, building over and over, until she was all but begging.

River kept up the pleasurable assault, not satisfied with half measures. When he used his fingers, dipping a single finger inside her opening and finger-fucking her, Jeanette’s knees threatened to buckle.

He lifted his head long enough to say, “Hold on to me.”

She rested her hands on his shoulders and let him have his way. He edged a second finger inside her, then wiggled them both back and forth. The dual sensation of his mouth sucking at her clitoris and his fingers stroking the sensitive nerve endings just inside her cleft tore a scream from her.

“River,” she cried. Suddenly, she was soaring, flying over that delicious edge of desire and into the unknown.

“Yeah, that’s beautiful as hell.” River’s words of approval sent butterflies to flight inside her belly.

His arms wrapped tight around her upper thighs. Jeanette began to come back down to earth when she felt River’s mouth against the inside of her thigh. She glanced down, curious about what he was doing, startled to see him staring up at her.

“Mind if I put my mark on you?”

Jeanette bit her lip. “A hickey, you mean?”


She grinned. “Not as long as I can do the same.”

“I look forward to it, sunshine,” he said, his voice low and unsteady.

Jeanette touched a finger to his cheek, unable to drag her gaze away as he cocked his head to side and fastened his mouth to the inside of her thigh. He suckled her, and a low growl escaped his throat. Her pussy throbbed, becoming aroused all over again. She spread her thighs wider to give him better access, and River rumbled his approval. By the time he pulled away, there was a red spot and her flesh tingled where he’d kissed her.

“That’s better.”

River felt like shouting out his victory. At long last, he had her taste on his tongue. The tang of her climax tantalizingly mixed with the sweet flavor of her. He had waited so long to have her this way. He wanted, needed, to make love to her. He wanted to feel her wrapped around him, snug and deep.

He wanted her. Now. In fifty different ways.

River gentled his hold on Jeanette’s legs, then

tugged her closer until she tumbled on top of him. Her pretty curves blanketed him, and River’s cock hardened further. “Ah, now that’s even better,” he admitted.

“My turn,” she whispered, “but you’re way overdressed.”

River let arms slide slowly away from her body. Her unhappy little whimper lit him on fire. He stood and yanked his T-shirt over his head before starting on his shoes and jeans. When he was naked, Jeanette stood back. Her gaze traveled the length of him, but when she stopped and stared at his cock, River had to hide a grin. “Like what you see?”

“I always knew you’d make me drool if I ever got a good look at you.” She licked her lips. “I wasn’t wrong.”

River reached out with both hands and palmed her breasts. “Lie down, sunshine.”

She started to, then stopped at the last second. When she slowly melted to her hands and knees, River’s pulse went a little haywire. With her head back, Jeanette stared up at him, waiting.

“Fuck, you’re pretty.” He took hold of his cock in a tight fist and pumped it once, twice, then demanded, “Suck it.”

Jeanette crawled toward him, her chin tilting upward when she looked from his face to his groin. Mouth wide, she took him in and clamped her lips around the head so tight River nearly came.

He wrapped the length of her hair around his fist so there was no slack, no way for her to retreat. Then, with his other hand, he took hold of her chin and guided her head farther onto his throbbing cock, showing her how he liked it. But she had only half his length, and he wanted more.

“Come on, sweets,” he murmured, “suck that dick for me. I want to feel the back of your throat.”

She frowned and tried to take more, but gagged. She pulled back and stared at his cock as if trying to figure out a way to do what he wanted. To please him.

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