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River's Redemption (Blackwater)

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His probing tongue arrogantly pushed its way into the soft opening and took her on a ride. Her breasts tingled and ached. She felt her nipples harden in anticipation of his ministrations. But River seemed content to linger on her mouth, taking his time to explore. She pushed against him shamelessly, telling him of her readiness. He only held her tight. She wanted more. Everything. Now.

Deciding to move him along a little faster, she let one of her hands drift down his back, caressing the muscled firmness of his buttocks, and heard a rumble of warning. Feminine satisfaction welled up. Lazily, Jeanette moved her hand

over his hip until she cupped his hard cock in her hand. Grasping him through his pants, she squeezed and pumped, slowly massaging his length. River broke the kiss on a curse and slung her up in his arms, carrying her to where the ground was softly covered in clover. He laid her down and stood over her while he stripped out of his clothes. She watched him unabashedly bare himself for her, and one thought kept skittering through her mind. This man—this flawlessly constructed man—was hers. All hers. At least for now. And Jeanette intended to take full advantage.

“Why can’t I seem to muster any self-control around you these days?”

Jeanette rose to a sitting position and smiled at him temptingly. “Do you know that your voice gets deeper and thicker when you’re excited? It’s so sexy.”

Not waiting for an answer, she let her hands go to the hem of her T-shirt, and her fingers slowly revealed the smooth expanse of her belly before baring her breasts. In the bright light of the full moon, Jeanette watched River’s eyes darken. She slipped the soft material over her head and tossed it to the forest floor. “Self-control is overrated, trust me.” And while his gaze roamed over her bared torso, Jeanette removed her sweats. She smiled when the material bunched around her knees, exposing her sex to him completely.

He reached down and tugged her sweats the rest of the way off, then tossed them to the side. “I should forbid you to wear clothes whenever I’m around.”

“Barbarian.” Jeanette went to her knees and crooked her finger. “Come closer to me.”

Without a single bit of hesitation, River stepped forward. The movement put her mouth in direct line with his jutting cock. She reached a finger out and touched the tip of him, enthralled when a pearl of moisture emerged. Jeanette looked up his bronzed, muscled body until their gazes locked, and took him into her mouth, quickly sucking him deep. She wasn’t giving him a chance to think beyond the feel of her lips wrapped around him, her tongue stroking him.


Her name thickly garbled was all that emerged from his lips. Jeanette kept her eyes trained on his while he placed one large hand at the back of her head and pulled her farther onto him. She could feel his bulbous tip at the back of her throat, and she moaned in pleasure. Loving him this way had been a recurring fantasy. Having the power to bring him to climax with just a lick of her tongue had always been a wish of hers.

She brought up her hand and cupped his sac, squeezing gently. River’s eyes shut tight, and he threw his head back on a curse. Jeanette allowed her hands and mouth to play for another minute, but she was too eager for him to be inside her to let the pleasurable torture go on for long.

She slid her mouth backward, letting her lips give a loving kiss to his tip before breaking free completely. “There can be more of that later. For now I want you inside me. I feel as if I’ve waited my entire adult life for the pleasure.”

River lowered himself to the soft ground and wrapped his hands around Jeanette, spanning her waistline with his big, strong hands. He lifted her over him, then sat her down on his lap. “Are you on the pill?”


“I’ve always used a condom, and I have a clean bill of health,” he explained. “But I don’t want to use one with you. At least not this first time.”

The thought of making love to him without any barriers was a temptation she couldn’t ignore. “I’ve recently had a checkup, so I’m good with that idea.”

“Thank God,” he whispered as he took hold of his cock. “Put us out of our misery, sunshine.”

Jeanette lifted up and placed his cock at her entrance, then slowly slid down the heavy length. Instantly, her body felt stretched, and there was a twinge of pain. “God, River, you’re big.”

He stiffened. “Too much?”

He moved to lift her off, but she swatted his hand away. “No, just…I need time to adjust.”

“I don’t want you hurting,” he told her, concern furrowing his brows.

She wiggled her hips, and his cock slid all the way in, filling her. “Oh, River,” she moaned. “Yes.”

“Fuck, Jeanette, you’re so goddamn tight.”

“I’m not very experienced.”

“I get that,” he said, his voice strained. “I’m not going to last, sunshine.”

They fit together as if God had fashioned them that way, one for the other. Did River see that they were made for each other?

Riding on a sea of emotions, Jeanette let herself go. Placing her hands on his chest for support, she began moving her hips in little circles, drawing out their pleasure, aware of each stroke of skin against skin, each time her body clutched around him. River’s hands found their way over her as if he needed to commit every inch of her body to memory. When he found the tiny nub of her desire, it was Jeanette’s turn to moan. As her need mounted, Jeanette’s movements became wilder, driving him farther into her until there was no separating them. The ability to reason fled. Suddenly, she was coming apart, breaking into a thousand glorious shards.

And River was there, thrusting upward and clutching her hips, pumping faster, harder. Her gaze flew to his, and she saw his meaning. He wanted more from her. As if bringing her to climax wasn’t enough, he needed to imprint himself on her.

Wrapping his arms around her bottom, River anchored them together and turned them over until she was sprawled out beneath him. In all his untamed beauty, River hovered over as he slid his cock in and out of her tight pussy with slow and gentle thrusts. Jeanette lifted her head and licked his chest, loving the feel of the sprinkling of dark hair against her mouth. She closed her eyes and let instinct take over. His scent drifted around her. She inhaled and let the sensation of having him buried deep inside wrap around her.

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