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What She Needs (Cape May 3)

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“Mmm, perfect answer,” he whispered as he clutched her thighs and tugged until she was splayed wide once more. The instant his tongue danced over her slit and he tasted her tangy flavor, he knew he’d never tasted anything more potent. He inhaled her womanly scent as he sucked her clit between his teeth and nibbled. Tory’s hands flew to his head, clutching and grasping handfuls of his hair in stinging desperation for more.

“Con! Oh God!”

When his tongue thrust between her folds, she lost it completely and pushed against his face, undulating as he tongue-fucked her. A few more licks to her clit and she burst wide, screaming and straining against the unyielding hold his hands had on her soft thighs. He nuzzled her throbbing pussy and stared as she became lost in the sensations rioting inside her.

Con lapped up her juices and kissed her clit. His dick swelled as she moaned and wiggled beneath him. When she went limp, the muscles in her thighs going slack, her hands dropping back to the bed, Con lifted to his knees. He stared down at the tempting picture she presented. She was breathing heavy and damp strands of hair clung to her face. When he dipped his finger into her slippery cunt, her gaze flew to his. He grinned as he pulled it back out and brought it to her lips. She lay still as he rubbed her juices over her mouth before he leaned down and kissed the delicious nectar away. She sighed into his mouth and wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him on top of her. Just as her breasts came into contact with his chest, he caught himself and stopped. Rising, Con reached over to his bedside drawer and drew out a condom. Leaning back on his haunches, he rolled it on.

“This time you’re mine, Tory.”

Tory’s lips curved upward. “Come and get it, big guy.”

“Mmm, I love the way you think, little girl.”

Con hooked her legs over his arms and glided his cock slowly into her. It was just the smallest amount, but he watched closely as Tory chewed at her lower lip and clenched her eyes tight. Not exactly the reaction he was aiming for. He stilled and cupped her chin. “Look at me, Tory.” Her eyes popped open. “What is it? Tell me, baby.”

She shook her head and took hold of his forearms as if afraid he was going to bolt. Hell if he was budging. A damn tsunami couldn’t get him to leave the warm haven of Tory’s body.

“It’s just…it feels so good, Con, but I’d be lying if I didn’t admit to feeling some guilt that Devon’s not here. Is that crazy?”

“No, of course not. It feels like we’re cheating or something, huh?”

“Sort of. That’s ridiculous, though.”

Con let go of her thighs and leaned down to lick at the wound she’d caused on her lip, then very slowly began rocking his hips back and forth. “Does that feel wrong, baby?” He didn’t wait for her to respond as he kissed his way over her face and to her neck, where he found a particularly sensitive spot. He bit down and she groaned. “You’re so fucking tight on my dick. You feel good. This feels right.” Tory groaned and started moving her hips, thrusting against his lower body, but he was bigger and a whole lot stronger. Con held her down, intent on taking it slow this time. He wanted to wring every ounce of pleasure out of their lovemaking as possible. He wanted no regrets come morning. “Shh, easy, sweet baby,” he warned. “Let’s do this right.” He continued his assault on her tempting pulse, but this time it was the sound of her angry snarl that stopped him.


“You’re being a tease!” she cried.

“I’m just savoring my girl,” he murmured as he resumed his slow, torturous movements. He took

his time, desperate to make it good. To make a memory they’d both cherish. His mouth journeyed lower and feasted on her gorgeous tits. Con was intent on building her passion. Intent on driving her mad with pleasure. Only then would they be on the same page.

Con thrilled when her inner muscles relaxed for him. He slipped in deeper, so deep their bodies were fused together and moving in unison. Con braced himself on his elbows beside her head and watched as her desire spiked. He pulled all the way out then thrust hard and fast, fucking her until they were both moaning. He pounded into her, sinking all the way in, slapping her ass with his balls. Over and over, hammering her with his cock. When her delicate moans turned to glorious shouts, Con ground his cock deep. He felt those delicious inner muscles of hers grip him like a hot little fist and he knew her orgasm was fast approaching. Suddenly, she slammed against him, forcing Con past the point of reason.

“Fuck, baby,” he groaned.

Tory’s wet cunt pulsed all around his dick as she came apart, shouting his name. Sweet little aftershocks continued to squeeze him and Con lost it. Two more strokes and he joined her as hot jets of come filled the condom. He very nearly collapsed on top of her, but the thought of her smaller frame kept his muscles from going lax. He wanted to comfort her. He wanted her to have nothing but sweet memories of tonight.

Con slid out of her boneless body and went to the master bath to dispose of the condom. He grabbed a washcloth from the shelf next to the tub, ran warm water over it and brought it to Tory. Her eyes were closed and she had a dreamy smile on her lips. His cock twitched as he watched her. He hadn’t realized how important it’d become to see her in his bed. As he bent and pressed the cloth to the juncture of her thighs, she stiffened and her eyes flew open. “Sorry, baby.”

“Con,” she said, her voice breathless. “You always take such good care of me.”

“And I always will, Tory, never doubt it.” He tossed the washcloth to the floor and slid in beside her. She snuggled up next to him and sighed. The feel of her breasts pressed against his side sent a great big alert to his cock. Hell, he wanted her again. Would always want her. No surprise there. But could he go back to sharing her with Devon? Con purposely pulled up an image of the three of them together and waited for the familiar green monster to rear its ugly head. Sure enough, it was there, but it wasn’t as overwhelming. It didn’t steal his ability to think straight. Best of all, he didn’t feel the need to punch a wall. That had to be a good thing.

Chapter Six

Con woke to the gentle feel of Tory stroking his chest with her fingers. He looked around for Devon, then stopped himself and remembered. His gut tightened. What he’d just shared with Tory was beyond fantastic, it was a gift he’d cherish, but without Devon there, it felt…off.

“Is it morning already?” he asked. The room was semi-dark, with the curtains drawn so he couldn’t tell the time of day. Damned if he didn’t have the energy to check the clock next to the bed.

“Not quite.” She flicked his nipple with a fingernail. The little sting brought him around instantly.

“Keep that up and you’re going to be in trouble.”

Tory pulled her hand away. “I don’t want to play, not yet. I’d rather talk.”

Fuck, that didn’t sound good. “About?”

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