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What She Needs (Cape May 3)

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?Damn, Con. She likes that mouth of yours.”

Con groaned his agreement as he sucked her sweet little clit into his mouth and flicked it with his tongue. She vaulted up, coming and shouting his name in wild abandon.

Con waited for Tory to come back down to earth before moving off her and stretching across the bed to grab a condom. Tory’s eyes never once left his face. She watched with an eerie intensity. There was something in her eyes, as if she wanted to say something. She only stayed quiet, simply watching and waiting for him to sink his cock deep.

“Roll to your stomach, sugar,” Devon softly ordered. “Let Con have that sweet pussy from behind.”

Her face colored and Con was afraid Devon had pushed her a bit too far with his request. After all, Tory was still new to their relationship. It’d been two months, but she was still trying to adjust to having two men loving her, possessing her. It was a hell of a lot to take in. She surprised him when she turned over and pushed up on all fours. He heard Devon curse. Con’s cock flexed at the sight of her body open and ready. He moved, not even fully aware of doing so, getting behind her and using his knee to spread her legs wider for his invasion. He clutched her hips and pulled her back against his straining erection, eliciting a groan from him and a whimper from her.

“Oh God, Tory. You have the most tempting little pussy, so pretty and soft.”

Her pink vulva and pearly clit were completely visible in the early morning light. Con wanted to take his time, to fill himself with the beauty of her, but his lower body had other ideas. He thrust, pushing his cock into her tight entrance. In one silky glide he was embedded completely inside Tory’s heat. When she reached between her legs and grasped his balls, massaging and squeezing, he lost it.

He started pumping into her, fucking her in a mad rush for that one elusive thing that only Tory gave him. It was as if his body already recognized the scent and sight of her and his greedy cock wanted her. Only her. Only Tory gave him this blind, crazed feeling. Con wouldn’t give that up—not for anything in the world.

Suddenly, her supple hips pushed backward against him and she shouted, “Please, Con, more! I need you so badly!”

“Anything you want, baby, it’s yours.”

It was true. He was unable to deny her a single thing. Plunging over and over, Con lowered his body over hers, caging her in, surrounding her with his larger, harder body. He put his mouth on her neck and sucked, causing blood to rush to the surface. She’d have his mark. The thought gave him a predatory feeling deep in his core.

Movement beside the bed caught his attention. Con looked over to see Devon, standing beside the bed, fisting his cock. Devon reached out and cupped Tory’s chin. She turned her head and Con watched as a siren’s smile came over her face an instant before she opened her mouth. A few inches of Devon’s thick erection disappeared inside Tory’s mouth.

Devon reached up and grasped a handful of Tory’s hair, holding her in place. Con watched as Devon’s expression changed, became more intense, almost savage. Slowly he began to move his hips back and forth, fucking Tory’s mouth, while Con took possession of her pussy.

“Christ, Tory,” Devon groaned.

Con slammed his hips against her ass and began to fuck her pussy with fast furious strokes. “We’re about to go up in smoke, baby,” Con admitted. It was nothing short of the truth.

As if his words fueled her own passion, Tory started moving her mouth faster on Devon’s dick, taking over the rhythm.

“Hell, yeah. Suck it good, sugar,” Devon urged.

Con slid his cock all the way out of her pussy, pleased beyond measure when Tory whimpered, as if her pussy were aching for his cock. Con pushed in again, dragging a moan from her and a string of curses from him.

“Hungry?” Devon asked. “Do you need a mouthful of come, Tory?”

Tory released the hold her mouth had on Devon’s cock long enough to murmur, “Yes, please.” Her lips closed over the swelled head once more. Con and Devon were both mesmerized by the sight of her. So open and giving. Con fucked her harder, faster. At the same time, Devon took hold of her face and drove his cock in and out of her mouth.

Reaching beneath her, Con rubbed over her distended clit. Tory arched and clenched around him, her sex cupping his dick like a hot little fist as she flew apart. Devon cursed, his balls slapping Tory’s chin, then suddenly he stiffened and pulled free. Tory kept her mouth open as Devon pumped once more, shooting his come onto her waiting tongue. Con and Devon’s gazes were glued to Tory as she swallowed. When her little pink tongue swiped over her lips, licking up the last few drops, Con felt something he hadn’t thought he’d ever feel toward the man who’d been like a brother over half his life—jealousy.

Chapter Two

“Well, that was a pleasant way to wake up,” Tory said as she dropped onto the mattress. Every nerve ending in her body was buzzing from her glorious orgasm.

Devon chuckled and kissed the top of her head before moving onto the bed and cradling her body against his. “Just pleasant?”

Without saying a word, Con shot up and headed toward the bathroom. Had she done something wrong? He was never quiet, especially after making love. When he reappeared, Tory noticed his gaze went straight to Devon and, unless she was mistaken, Con looked pissed. What was that about? As she sat up, Tory grabbed the sheet and wrapped it around her body. “Con?”

Con’s gaze softened as he stared at the hand she used to clutch the sheet close. “It’s been over two months, baby. You can lose the sheet.”

Tory smoothed her palm over the soft, light blue cotton material and said, “You two might’ve talked me into sleeping naked, but sitting around in the bright light of day in my birthday suit is never going to happen.”

“We’ll see, won’t we?” Devon asked. He moved off the bed and pulled on his pajama pants before moving to sit in the chair he’d vacated earlier.

“Yes, we will.” Always pushing for more, that was Con and Devon, but Tory wasn’t budging on this one.

Con went to the dresser and opened a drawer. After retrieving a pair of black silk boxers, he slid them on and leaned against the dresser, crossing his legs at the ankles. God, the man was delicious. His close-cropped midnight black hair always tempted Tory to reach out and play. Add a thickly muscled chest and gorgeous six-pack abs to the mix and it was no wonder Tory craved the man. Yep, Con was a silver-eyed hunk, no doubt about it.

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