No Turning Back (Man-Maid 1) - Page 39

“Yep.” Marquetta grinned as she closed the distance between them, then sat, straddling his thighs. A rush of excitement sped through her when she felt the length of his cock nestled against her pussy. Jensen would always have that instant effect on her.

Jensen wrapped his hands around her waist. “You deserve a reward for all that hard work, don’t you think, beautiful?”

She smoothed her palms over his chest, then moved them over his deliciously ripped abs. “I definitely do.”

As he took her hands in his and kissed first one palm and then the other, Marquetta’s clit swelled. “I’ve missed you today,” he said.

“Oh?” She slid her hand beneath the waistband of his jeans, encountering his already hard cock. “I missed you too. So very much.” She thought of how hard she’d made it for him in the beginning and added, “I’m very glad you were so persistent when we first met.”

“You were only attempting to guard your heart. Sheldon is to blame for that.”

“I agree.” Suddenly, something in his hair caught Marquetta’s eye, and she reached up to pluck it out. A feather? “So, how’d it go today with that new client?”

Jensen cringed. “Christ, I made a complete mess of the poor lady’s bedroom.”

Her lips twitched as her mind conjured up the various minor catastrophes that had already taken place since Man-Maid had opened their doors. Seemed there was still a bit of learning to be done for Jensen and his gang. “Er, how so?”

“When I made up the master bed, I decided to fluff the pillows.” The color in his cheeks deepened. “A bad idea, considering one of them had a damn rip in it—and it was a feather pillow.”

Marquetta tried to hold back her laughter but failed miserably. Several seconds later, she managed to ask, “Feathers everywhere?”

“Yep.” He chuckled. “Thank God, she was so good-natured about it. And I did offer to buy her a new pillow—after I cleaned up the mess.”

She wrapped her arms around his neck and murmured, “Aw, my poor baby.”

“Your baby doesn’t want to talk about work anymore.” Jensen pressed his lips to hers and kissed her with predatory heat. He was hard and demanding. She gave him access to her mouth, and he swooped in. When he pulled away, they were both out of breath.

“Bedroom,” Jensen groaned as he lifted her off him.

Marquetta’s heart filled with emotion as he swept her into his arms and carried her off. “I love you.”

He placed her on top of the comforter and stripped her bare. “I love you too, beautiful, and I’m so damn proud of you for going after your dreams.” As he came down beside her, their gazes caught and held. “When I think of how close I came to losing you because of my callous words…”

She placed a finger against his lips. “Shh. Make love to me, Jensen.”

He leaned near her ear and whispered, “That’s what I’ve been doing since the first moment I saw you.”

After that stark confession, the only sounds in the room were of Marquetta and Jensen touching and playing. Their bodies came together with a new purpose. It was the most beautiful way to end the day.

An hour later, Jensen lifted up. “Want to go for a ride?”

Ever since she’d finished the design on his bike, Jensen seemed to want to ride it only if she was hugging his back. A spark of emotion traveled through her whenever he offered to take her riding.

Marquetta thought back over the last several months, marveling at how much her life had changed. Jensen had pulled her out of her cocoon. He’d taught her how to live again. Her heart still cried out for the baby she’d lost, but there was something else there now as well. There was hope for a future, and an amazing man to share it with.

She was happy that she’d taken a second chance on love. It seemed some men were worth it.

Tags: Anne Rainey Man-Maid Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024