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Body Rush (Masters of Pleasure 1)

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“Don’t be so sure,” he said as he dropped his finger. “Turn around.”

Lydia obeyed, there wasn’t any other choice. They stood in front of a doorway to another room. A woman was spread out on a table, her ankles and wrists bound as a man dribbled hot wax down her belly. She moaned and writhed, much to the man’s delight. Another man lay over a bench, his bare ass in the air as a woman in an outfit much like Roni’s black catsuit wielded a wooden paddle like a pro. She swatted him and the man begged for more. Lydia’s clit throbbed as she imagined what it must feel like.

“Have you ever been spanked, Lydia?”

She swiveled around on her heel. “Certainly not.”

All three men stood close, only a few feet away, their gazes locked on hers. Apollo closed the gap between them and leaned down until their lips were but a breath away from each other. “You shouldn’t mock what you’ve never tried,” he chastised, then he pressed his lips to hers, gentle and teasing. At the first contact, Lydia went rigid, unsure if she should push him away and demand an apology or pull him in closer. When his hand cupped the back of her head and she heard him emit a low growl, she gave in and melted against his hard body. She wrapped her arms around his neck and angled her head for a deeper kiss. His tongue came out and swept over the seam before biting gently down on her plump lower lip.

“Open those sweet lips, baby, let me in,” he softly ordered.

Lydia sighed and Apollo sank his tongue deep, licking and tasting, playing with her tongue. He rained kisses over both her cheeks before drifting lower and teasing the side of her neck. Lydia knew she should stop him, push him away and go back to Roni. When he skimmed his tongue up and down her flesh, directly over her vein, it was all she could do to keep from coming right then and there. He bit down and her pussy pulsed and swelled with need. Her hands moved lower until she clutched at his shoulders, fingernails biting into flesh and muscle. She closed her eyes and gave herself over to the moment. His mouth moved lower, skimming over the tops of her breasts. When he kissed each nipple through her clothes, her legs shook with anticipation.

“Come with us,” he growled. “Let us show you pleasure.”

Us, he’d said. Lydia pulled back, breathing as if she’d run a marathon. “Oh God, what am I doing? I-I should get back to Roni.”

“Lydia, look over the railing,” Apollo demanded.

Lydia looked down at the Great Room below, easily spotting Roni’s blonde ponytail. Lydia couldn’t believe what she was witnessing. Roni stood in a corner of the room with a kneeling man’s face pressed against her latex-covered crotch. Roni petted the massive man’s bald head as he ground his face against her harder.

“As you can see, she’s quite happily engaged at the moment. Come with us, Lydia, we won’t hurt you, you have my word.”

Lydia looked up at Apollo, then over at the other two men, who’d stayed silent and watchful throughout the exchange. She could still taste the intoxicating flavor of Apollo’s kiss. “Why me?”

A glimmer of sexual heat lit Apollo’s eyes as he lowered his head toward her ear. “Because we’ve always had a fondness for naughty librarians.”

And just like that, she



“An attached apartment?” Lydia asked as she was led into a room on the third floor. Apollo flipped a switch by the door and light flooded the room. The interior had been decorated in sleek, modern furniture. A black leather couch and loveseat sat in the center. A long oak bar ran along one wall. Along another wall sat a strange black padded bench with metal rings all along the sides. She had no idea what that was for. A forty-two-inch high-definition, flat-panel television sat on a shelf imbedded into the wall above the bench.

Apollo shrugged. Poseidon and Zeus moved to the bar and took out a couple of glasses, then poured some amber-colored liquid in each of them.

“While it’s interesting to watch the others downstairs,” Apollo answered, “we prefer our privacy.”

“Do you bring women up here often?” For some reason the thought made her angry. She didn’t want to imagine the tall, dark-haired man in front of her entertaining other women in this room.

He walked a few feet and picked up a remote control from a shelf. “Do you really want to know?”

“Not really,” Lydia admitted as he pushed a button and the lights dimmed. Another button had soft music filling the air. Not at all like the hard pumping bass from downstairs, this music was soulful and seductive.

Poseidon and Zeus leaned against the bar, their gazes on her. Lydia pulled her purse off her shoulder and took out her cell phone. “I need to call Roni. I don’t want her to worry.”

Apollo nodded. “Of course, we’ll give you some privacy.”

Lydia dialed Roni’s number as the three hooded men went through a doorway into another room. She couldn’t stop herself from wondering what was through that doorway. A bedroom or something more? As she remembered the dungeon from downstairs, Lydia shook her head. “Scratch that, I don’t want to know.”

Roni picked up on the second ring. “Where are you?”

She sounded worried and for some reason it calmed Lydia a little. “I’m fine. I’m still with the owners.”

“They want you,” Roni stated. “I could see it in their expressions. Be careful, they’re all three dominants and they know what they’re doing, whereas you’re a newbie.”

“I know. I think Apollo must run the show though, because the other two follow his lead.”

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