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Body Rush (Masters of Pleasure 1)

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Mac, known as Zeus to the members of Kinks, glared at Dane. “Fuck, what the hell are we doing here, Dane?”

“I wish I knew. I’ve clearly lost my mind.” Dane knew he never should have given Lydia the tour, but the instant he’d spotted her sitting at that table his cock had stood at attention. Lydia had come into his territory and he’d be damned if he’d let her go now.

Mac whipped around and said, “Trent, talk some damned sense into him, will you?”

“He’s Poseidon and I’m Apollo,” Dane admonished. “Remember the rule. Even up here we use the nicknames.”

Mac pushed his fingers through his hair. “Fine then. What the hell were you thinking inviting Lydia here, Apollo? What if she recognizes one of us? We’re so screwed.”

“Could either of you have walked away from her?” Dane asked, knowing the answer. They’d all three been captivated by Lydia’s presence at the club. Dane’s paralegal was taking a walk on the wild side and he’d be damned if she did it with anyone other than the three of them.

Mac came closer, nearly nose to nose. “My dick is hard enough to pound dents out of a damn pickup truck, but if she realizes who she’s with it’ll humiliate her. Are you willing to lose her forever?”

Dane had already thought of that, but his libido wasn’t listening to reason at the moment. “She hasn’t figured it out yet and she won’t.” Christ, he hoped that was true. “We keep the masks on and watch our voices. Especially you, Zeus; that Texas accent is a dead giveaway.”

Mac rolled his eyes. “Yeah, I already figured that out, genius, but what happens after? We go to work on Monday and it’s business as usual?”

This time it was Trent’s turn to speak. “If this is our only chance to have Lydia beneath us, then we take it. She came here, we didn’t lure her. And I’d rather it be us than some other asshole. The other doms would’ve seen her for the little lamb she is and pounced.” Trent looked pointedly at Mac. “If you’re having second thoughts, then leave. We won’t stop you.”

“I’m not having second thoughts, Poseidon. But I don’t want this thing to blow up in our faces either. This is Lydia we’re talking about, goddammit. She’s too sweet to screw with and you both know it.”

“I would die rather than hurt Lydia,” Dane muttered. Just the thought had his gut knotting up. “But I can’t let her walk away, not now. I can’t explain it, all I know is she stays. We can figure the rest out later.”

The door to the bathroom opened and Lydia stepped out. They all three fell silent as they watched her move toward them, her steps slow and a little unsure. The closer she came the harder Dane’s blood pounded through his veins. When she was directly in front of him, a shy smile curving her lips, he knew the truth. He could never have let her walk away.

He reached a hand out and cupped her cheek. “You’re beautiful.”

She looked down at the floor. “I’m really not, but thank you anyway.”

Dane couldn’t believe she was so unaware of her own appeal. It was true she didn’t have the ideal hourglass figure and her facial features weren’t picture perfect either, but Dane had always found perfection boring. Lydia was anything but boring. Her nose was a little crooked and her glasses were outdated, and her curves were just lush enough to give a man something to hold on to. She had a freshness that appealed to him. She was nothing like the jaded women he’d too often dated. Lydia’s intelligence and strong wi

ll were extremely sexy. The thought of her submitting to him had his cock swelling painfully. He wanted to see her come apart in his arms. Before the night was over she’d be relinquishing her control and giving in to him.

“You know we’re doms, don’t you?” Dane asked, needing her to understand what the three of them would demand of her.

“Yes,” she tentatively replied, “but I’ve never done anything like this, Apollo. I’ve never—”

“You aren’t trained as a sub, I know,” Dane inserted. “We aren’t going to expect more from you than you can give.”

She squinted as if suspicious. “What do you expect?”

“Only that you trust us to give you pleasure.” When she still looked wary, he said, “We don’t find it necessary to tie our women up and order them to call us master every time we have sex. It’s something we enjoy, yes, but not the only thing. Trust me, Lydia.” He took her by the waist and backed up until he reached the bed. He sat down and pulled her between his wide-spread thighs. Dropping his hands away, he ordered, “Take off your shirt for me, baby.”

Dane’s heart sped up as he watched her shaking fingers pull at the ties of the waist cincher. In his peripheral vision, he saw Mac and Trent move behind Lydia, close but not touching. As she loosened the black garment and pulled it down her hips, Dane knew a kind of hunger he’d never known before. He’d wanted Lydia for too long. Craved her. Now that he was so close to finally burying his cock inside her tight little cunt it was torture to wait, to take it slow. Lydia deserved his control though, not some fast fuck that would leave her unsatisfied.

She took off her glasses and placed them on the bedside table before taking hold of the hem on the sheer pink blouse. Dane had the urge to grasp the material and rip it off her. It was just a damn good thing patience had been the first thing he’d learned as a dom. He’d become adept at waiting, drawing out the pleasure. When the delicate fabric lifted, revealing a slightly rounded belly and black satin bra, Dane groaned. She tossed the blouse aside. Dane didn’t give a shit where it landed; his entire concentration was on her breasts. The tempting mounds were more than the bra could contain, sweet swells of flesh spilled over the tops of the curved cups. Lydia bit her lip and took the front closure between her fingers, then popped it open. Her round creamy tits filled his vision. Dane wrapped his hands around her back and pulled her forward. He covered one puffy pink nipple with his mouth and sucked. Sweet ambrosia filled his mouth.

“Oh God,” Lydia cried.

Dane let his tongue circle her areola, then pulled as much of her flesh into his mouth as he could. Slim fingers wrapped around his head, holding him tight against her body. He lifted only long enough to nip at the tempting tip. She moaned and pressed more fully against him. Dane caught himself and pulled back. “Take off the rest of it, baby. Show me that pretty body.”

Her wet nipple glistened in the low light and he could swear he smelled the heat of her pussy. He couldn’t wait to go down on her, suck at her little bud and sip her honey. When her fingers went to the zipper at the back of her skirt, Dane held his breath. Her gaze never strayed from his as she slid the zipper down. Mac and Trent stood behind her, their gazes devouring the lush curves she exposed. When she pushed her skirt down her hips, Dane sucked in a breath at the panties she slowly revealed. Black satin with little red hearts. “Damn, that’s hot,” he growled.

“Fucking beautiful,” Trent replied.

Lydia covered her face with her hands and mumbled something he couldn’t understand. Dane reached up and pulled her fingers away and placed a kiss in each palm before entwining his fingers with hers. She was shaking like a leaf. “Don’t be embarrassed, baby.”

Lydia shook her head. “I don’t know why I thought I could do this. I’m not a wild, impetuous person. Friday nights are usually spent with my DVR.”

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