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Body Rush (Masters of Pleasure 1)

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He pulled back a fraction and growled, “You drive me right out of my mind, baby. No woman has ever tied me in knots the way you do.”

Jeanette didn’t know how to respond to such a declaration. It was as if she were on a high wire with no net to break her fall. “It’s never been like this for me either,” she confessed.

He slipped in another inch, his voice dropping to a dark whisper. “Like what?”

Jeanette’s thoughts scattered at the feel of his hard length pressing ever closer to where she needed him so desperately. Realizing he’d spoken, she managed a breathy, “Huh?”

He pulled out all the way, then slid back in. Still it wasn’t enough. She needed to feel the wild man lurking just below the surface. Jeanette moaned, aching and restless.

Hunter skimmed his hand over her hip, then farther north to cup and squeeze her breast. The delicious torture took her to a new level.

“You’ve never been like what?” he asked, his voice a harsh sound in the quiet room.

Jeanette managed to focus finally. “I’ve never gone home with a man so quickly.”

The look he gave at her confession singed her. “This is unique for me too, sweetness.”

When he dipped his head and kissed her nipple, then licked the sensitive tip, she arched upward, anxious to feel his lips wrapping around her, taking her to heaven.

“Open yourself more,” he ordered. “Show me you want this. Show me you want me.”

His hot breath against her flesh was all the incentive she needed. She spread her legs wider, then pushed against his hips, forcing him in another inch.

“Fuck, baby,” he groaned. He lifted to his hands and without warning thrust forward, burying deep the full length of his large, hard cock.

She gasped as inner muscles burned and stretched to accommodate the intimate invasion.

Hunter stilled, his gaze boring into hers. “Too much?”

“No, it’s…” She couldn’t find the words to express the sensations bombarding her. His cock touched places inside her body she was sure no man had ever reached.

“Damn, you feel incredible,” he uttered as he pulled all the way out only to thrust forward again.

One large, calloused palm swept over her nipples, and she arched upward, seeking more of his rough caresses. When he smoothed his way down her ribcage and belly to play with her tiny bud, she flew apart.


“Yeah, baby,” he snarled, “come for me again.” He thrust harder, holding on to her hips a

s he plunged deep.

Jeanette came, starbursts filling her vision as Hunter took her over that invisible edge once again.

“Goddamn, even through the condom I can feel you bathing my cock with that sweet cream,” he growled. Muscles pumped and sweat glistened off his chest and abs. His thrusts turned faster, harder. Suddenly he flung his head back and shouted her name as he reached his own climactic finish. Jeanette wrapped her arms and legs around him, holding him to her in a tight embrace.

When he collapsed on top of her, most of his weight on his arms beside her body, peace stole through her. She never wanted the moment to end. She never wanted to let him go. How would she survive when he rode off on his motorcycle?

Warm, gentle fingers coasted over her hip, bringing her awake in an instant. As her eyelashes fluttered open, her gaze collided with Hunter’s. “Did I fall asleep?”

He lay propped up on his elbow on his side, staring down at her. His sensual grin melted her bones. “Yep. I wore you out.”

No kidding. She’d never felt so sated her entire life. “What time is it?”

His hand continued sliding over her skin beneath the black throw blanket. He’d covered them and she hadn’t even been aware of it. “You’ve only been out about an hour. It’s midnight.”

She started to get up, but he only held her down with his palm against her stomach. “Going somewhere, sweetness?”

“I should probably get moving. I do need to clean the kitchen before my morning waitress gets there. And I’d like to go home and get a shower beforehand.”

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