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Until Ashlyn (Until Her 3)

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“It may have just been a freak accident.”

“Maybe,” I agree, but something in my gut tells me it was intentional, and even though Dillon said the person may have been after him and not me, the more I think about it, the harder I’m finding it to believe. He was at the office. There is no way they could have known he would be standing in the door, talking to a patient when I walked out of the restaurant, or that he would have come across to meet me. And not only that, but if they were after him, they could have aimed for him when he jogged across the street toward me. They had a clear shot of him then, if he was who they wanted to hurt.

“Earth to Ashlyn.” She snaps her fingers in front of my face, and I blink.

“Sorry, I spaced.”

“It’s fine.” She studies me thoughtfully for a moment then smiles. “In better news, I was talking to July yesterday, and we were going over ideas for your bachelorette party next Saturday. There were a few things I wanted to run by you.”

Frowning at her, I shake my head. “I’m not having a bachelorette party next Saturday,” I deny, and her smile turns into a grin.

“You definitely are having a party. Everyone is coming. Even the moms are going to come out for a drink or two.”

“Oh, Lord,” I murmur, seeing that she’s serious. “Dillon is not going to be happy about this.”

“What am I not going to be happy about?” Dillon asks, startling me, and I squeak, turning on my stool and coming face-to-face with him. I didn’t even hear the garage door open like I normally do when he comes home.

“I thought you said you would be home at five.” His eyes narrow then move to June, and he lifts his chin in a silent hello before crossing his arms over his chest and turning his eyes back to me.

“What is it that I’m not going to be happy about?” he repeats, and I pray June can once again know what I’m thinking without me having to say a word.

“We’re throwing Ash a bachelorette party.” She smiles.

Apparently not.

“Seriously, did you have to just come out and say it like that?” I snip, glaring at her, and she shrugs at me then smiles brighter at Dillon.

“Don’t worry. We’re not going to have strippers. April mentioned getting strippers, and Evan overheard then proceeded to lose his mind.” She rolls her eyes, and Dillon’s jaw begins to twitch.

“Oh, God,” I whisper, and she looks at me.

“I know. Then Evan told Wes, and Wes freaked on July.” She shakes her head. “I didn’t really want strippers there anyway. I mean, guys with nice bodies are fun to look at, but I have my own hot guy and I really don’t like polyester-covered sausage flung in my face, and I can’t imagine you would want to have a ding-a-ling in your face either,” she mutters. I shake my head, and my eyes widen at her in a silent plea for her to shut up before she causes Dillon to have a stroke. “Anyway, the plan is to have dinner with everyone before as a congratulations dinner, and then go to my house, change, and meet the party bus.”

“Um…” I mumble, taking a chance to look at Dillon out of the corner of my eye and see his jaw is still ticking away.

“Also, April mentioned that maybe we should just rent a hotel room downtown and make a night of it.”

“I…” I look from her to Dillon and can tell he is barely keeping it together.

“Dinner sounds good, but I don’t think I want to stay out overnight.” And that’s the truth. I haven’t spent a night away from Dillon since Vegas, and I don’t really want to start now.

“I figured.” She smiles then looks between Dillon and me as she hops off her stool, causing her belly to bounce. “I should go. Evan will be home soon, and I told him I would make dinner tonight.”

As she wraps her arms around me in a tight hug, I whisper, “I’m so going to get you back for this.”

“You’ll be fine.” She grins at me, leaning back.

“Uh huh.” I roll my eyes, listening to her laugh as she lets me go before walking across the kitchen to Dillon, who leans down to kiss her cheek and grumble a goodbye.

“I’ll call and let you know what time I get a reservation for.”

“Sure,” I agree, sliding off my stool to follow her to the door.

“Don’t worry. I can see myself out.” She winks over her shoulder, and I narrow my eyes. She knows Dillon is pissed and thinks it’s funny. “Love you,” she singsongs, leaving the kitchen, and a few seconds later, I hear the front door shut. Keeping my eyes off my man, who’s pissed-off energy is pulsing through the room, I move to the fridge, open it, close it, and then move to one of the cupboards, doing the same. I’m hoping there is portal hidden somewhere that will teleport me into another dimension, where Dillon is the kind of guy who would be okay with me having a bachelorette party.

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