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Until Ashlyn (Until Her 3)

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“God.” I lean back and look around the space that is packed full of some of my favorite women, and tears start to burn the back of my throat.

“No fucking crying. It’s time to celebrate,” April says, handing me a shot, and I laugh then shoot it back, holding the glass up. Hearing the girls all shout and clap. Finding Cara in the crowd standing next to Kim, I quickly introduce her to everyone before doing exactly what April suggested.

Seeing Harmony suddenly disappear under the table, I frown, tilting my head under the ledge to look at her.

“What are you doing?” I ask, feeling a little dizzy from the five lemon drop shots I’ve had and my awkward, almost upside down position.

“Um… I lost an earring.”

“Oh, I’ll help you find it,” I mumble, scooting my chair back so I can get under the table along with her. Crawling on my hands and knees across the floor, I realize I have no idea exactly what I’m looking for. “What does it look like?” I question, lifting my head to look at her, and her face turns red.

“I didn’t really lose an earring,” she whispers, crawling toward me, and I fall to my bottom and raise a brow.

“Then why are you under the table?”

“Harlen’s here.”


“Harlen’s here,” she repeats.

“I thought you two were friends?”

“We were…”

“So why are you hiding from him?”

“I kissed him.” She says after a long moment and I blink.

“Oh, my God! You are a damn liar,” Willow snaps, and I watch her fall to her ass under the table then crawl toward us, shaking her head and pointing at Harmony. “You told me when I asked why you haven’t been hanging out with him anymore that nothing happened between you two.”

“So, is the party under the table now?” April asks, suddenly appearing at my side, handing me another shot that I take immediately. “I kind of like it. It’s cozy,” she mutters, looking around, and I giggle.

“Oh my God,” Harmony groans, covering her face with her hands. “You all need to get out of here before you blow my cover.”

“What’s going on?” July asks a second later, appearing out of thin air.

“God help me,” Harmony growls, glaring at everyone.

“What’s her problem?” July asks, nodding toward Harmony.

“She kissed Harlen.” Willow shrugs as Harmony narrows her eyes on her. “What? I don’t understand what the big deal is. So what you kissed people kiss everyday.”

“It was bad.”

“How was it bad?” I ask, seeing the unease in her eyes.

“I.” She shakes her head frantically. “Jeez, this is so embarrassing. Can you guys just go and forget I ever said anything?”

“No,” Willow snaps, getting closer to her sister. “Spill.”

“I kissed him and he didn’t like it…. Okay?” She huffs.

“Oh,” I breathe in understanding. “Have you talked to him about it?” I ask softly.

“No.” She closes her eyes, whispering, “We were out when it happened and I didn’t wait around. He went to the bathroom, and I took off.”

“I’m going to kick his ass,” July growls already half drunk, and Harmony grabs on to her ankle as she tries to crawl out from under the table.

“Please don’t,” she pleas, and July’s eyes narrow on her over her shoulder.

“You’re not going to sit under this table and feel sorry for yourself,” she snaps. “You are going to go out there and let him see exactly what he’s missing out on.”

“Has he tried to talk to you since then?” April asks suddenly, and Harmony pulls her wide eyes from July to look at her.

“No.” She shakes her head.

“So he hasn’t called you at all?” April’s eyes narrow and Harmony looks away shrugging.

“He’s called a few times, but I haven’t answered.”

“Hmm,” she hums, then smiles her smile that screams trouble and grabs Harmony’s hand, tugging her toward her. “Like July said, you are not going to sit under the table like a weirdo. You are going to go out there and have fun.”

“July didn’t call me a weirdo.” Harmony mutters under her breath as she’s dragged out behind April.

“I don’t think tonight is going to end well for her,” Willow whispers, watching July, April, and Harmony crawl out from under the table before looking at me, smiling. “I’m so happy for you.” Wrapping her arms around me quickly, she leans back, bonking her head and grumbling something I can’t understand before crawling out behind everyone else. Looking around the now empty space, I shake my head and feel a smile spread across my face. Only in my family would a serious conversation be had under a table at a packed bar.

“Get the fuck down now.”

Pulling my gaze from Harmony, who is singing along with me to “Keep Your Hands to Yourself,” I look down and see a red-faced Harlen glaring up at her, and then notice Dillon standing next to him with his arms crossed over his chest and his lips twitching into a smile.

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