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Notorious (Playing With Fire)

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Until he breathed his dying breath, he would.

“That was so good,” she whispered when he climbed back into bed and hauled her close.

“Yeah, it was.” His voice was soft, he sounded a little out of it. Exhaustion settled over him, heavy like a wet blanket and he kissed her, pressed his forehead against hers. “I hate to sound like a total guy but I can barely keep my eyes open.”

She laughed and snuggled close. “Let’s go to sleep then. I’m tired too.”

Their mouths met, clung for a lingering moment before they settled deeper into the mattress, Eric yanking the covers up close around them.

And they slept.

Chapter Nine

“It’s so good to see you.”

Alexa wrapped her arms around Eric and held him tight. Too tight and for too long, at least for his comfort zone. He withdrew from her as politely as he could, smiling at her as she gazed up at him with unabashed pleasure in her eyes.

Two months ago that look on her face would’ve sent him into a state of mass confusion. He would’ve done anything she asked of him.

Not even a flicker of interest buzzed through him. He was over her.

And it felt good.

“Is Brandon here?”

“Yes, he is. Come inside. You want something to drink?”

He shut the door and followed her inside. He’d come by their house to talk to them, hoping to catch the both of them home. Thinking he might be nervous, he prepared himself the entire drive over. Giving himself pep talks, fueling his desire to make this conversation happen. It was long overdue.

“Brandon said you guys ran into each other.” They walked into the kitchen and he looked around but Brandon was nowhere in sight. “Whatever you said to him must’ve hit hard. It’s really made a difference.”

He stopped at the edge of the kitchen counter and sat on one of the barstools, confusion swirling through him. “What do you mean?”

“You two talked that night, he told me. Though he didn’t mention exactly what it was about.” She opened a cupboard door and pulled down a glass. “He came home and we talked all night. We’ve been having…trouble.

“He mentioned it.” Where the hell was Brandon? He needed to get this off his chest and jam out of here.

Needed to get back to Stacy as soon as possible.

“Yes, well ever since that night, things have been really good.” She frowned, her hand clutched tight around the empty glass. “You probably don’t want to hear that, huh.”

Irritation burned within him. Sometimes it felt as if they gloated over the fact that they kicked him out of their relationship. The relationship he’d been in first.

No. Stop thinking like that. They can’t get to you anymore, right? You have Stacy now. You love Stacy.

Old habits—and thoughts—died hard.

“Look, I’m happy for you guys. I really am.” Eric took a deep breath and exhaled loudly. “Where is Brandon anyway? I have something I’d like to say to the both of you.”

“Oh.” She looked surprised. “He’s back in the bedroom. I’ll go get him. You want something to drink, right?” She waved the empty glass in her hand at him.

“No, thanks. I’m not staying long.”

Alexa set the glass on the counter and exited the kitchen, calling Brandon’s name as she strode down the hall. Eric glanced around the kitchen, thinking it looked awfully homey. The entire house looked homey, cozy and he knew without a doubt that they did the right thing, Alexa and Brandon, by getting together exclusively. Despite the hurt and the humiliation and the utter despair he’d felt afterwards, it had all been for the best.

He had Stacy now. And he didn’t want anyone else.

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