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Jane's Gift (Lone Pine Lake 1)

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Tourist season was long over. The fire station probably saw very little action. Mac had told her the seasonal staff had already been laid off, only those who worked year-round remained—they were few. No wonder they didn’t have a problem giving a local family with big fears a quick tour.

“Anybody home?” Just as Jane predicted, Logan knocked on the front door, his tiny fist beating a mighty tattoo against the wood-trimmed screen door. Jane practically ran up the steps, ready to stop Logan from his antics before he took it too far.

“Logan, stop,” she hissed as she reached out to grab him and yank him away from the door…

The very same door that suddenly swung open with a cranky groan of hinges. Jane took a step backward, jerking Logan along with her and bumping into Lexi in the process. Her gaze zeroed in on big, booted feet as they crossed the threshold, the hem of navy blue uniform pants curled around those dusty dark shoes.

She did a slow perusal up endlessly muscular legs, her gaze landing onto lean hips and then a broad chest and shoulders. Shoulders that seemed to go on forever, clad in a sky blue uniform shirt. A nametag was pinned at the top of one shirt pocket, a badge onto the other, and she squinted, barely able to read his name.

Again, she smoothed a hand along her hair. Thankful it hit just above her shoulders so she could curl it around her face and almost hide her scars.

Why am I so afraid to look him in the face? But she could answer her own question almost before it formed—he would surely notice her scars, something

that still made her nervous when she met someone new. Plus, it had been a while since she’d been in the company of a man who wasn’t a blood relative, in-law, or of the medical profession. A combination of fear and worry made her leery.

Plus, there was his reputation. The fire captain was known around town as a hot catch, a bit of a playboy. Her oldest friend Chloe had described him as one of the few good-looking, single men in town. He set all the women’s hearts a-flutter with his hero-type job.

The last thing she wanted to see from this guy was sympathy. Or worse, pity.

When her eyes finally lit upon his face, she couldn’t help but notice how attractive he was. Dark-as-night hair, tanned skin that showed he spent most of his time outdoors, and defined bone structure. Strong nose, jaw, and cheekbones, though his mouth appeared soft…

“Mrs. Clark?” Those soft-looking lips curved into a welcoming smile.

Jane nodded, but his greeting made her feel like an old woman. She had a first name—why didn’t he use it?

He let the screen door slam behind him as he stepped out onto the porch, his hand extended toward her. “I’m Captain Christian Nelson. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

Shifting Sophia in her arms, she held out her hand and he took it. The touch of his rough fingers, the press of his wide palm against hers, sent a jolt of electricity up her arm. She let go quickly, as if it had scalded her, but his smile stayed easy, his stance casual, confident.

The captain appeared very comfortable in his skin and she envied him that. When he flicked his head in Logan’s direction as if to ask permission, she gave her consent with a slight nod. He knelt down so he was eye level with Logan.

“Hey buddy, what’s your name?”

“Logan!” Her son’s yelp made Jane wince, but the smile on Captain Nelson’s face grew even wider.

“Nice to meet you, Logan. I’m Captain Nelson.” He offered his hand and Logan took it, his little arm moving in two jerky pumps.

“Can we see the fire truck now?”

“Absolutely. Let’s go around back and check it out.” He stood and smiled directly at Sophia. She promptly tucked her face into Jane’s neck.

“Sorry. She just woke up,” Jane apologized, her skin prickling with awareness at this man’s closeness.

Lexi made her presence known as she rounded from behind her mother to stand in front of Captain Nelson, her pointed chin tilted, little rosebud mouth drawn into a tight line. He knelt down once again, his expression turned serious, and he gave Lexi a slight nod.

“Are you Logan’s big sister?”

She gave a hesitant nod in answer.

He didn’t even break a smile. “Captain Nelson at your service, ma’am. And you are?”

“Alexis Elizabeth Clark.”

Now he did smile, but it was gentle, and miracle of all miracles, it coaxed what could pass for a smile from her stubborn daughter. “That’s a beautiful name. It’s nice to meet you, Alexis.”

“You can call me Lexi.”

“Well, Lexi it is, then.” He stood, shooting a wink in Jane’s direction, and heat flooded her cheeks.

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