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Jane's Gift (Lone Pine Lake 1)

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The McKenzie household was jam-packed, full of adults and kids alike. Relatives from all over had come for Christmas day, bearing too much food and gifts, eager to spend time with the ones they loved.

Chris had never seen anything like it. Thanksgiving had been busy enough, but there were even more people here today. So many names to learn as Jane introduced him to an endless stream of relatives and friends. He simply nodded and smiled. Hoped like hell she’d give him a rundown later.

He’d been wanting to ask Jane to marry him since last night, but they were constantly interrupted and the timing never seemed right. So he still waited for the right moment, which might never come. At least, not today.

Her parents embraced him as if he were their long lost son. Her oldest brother Patrick and his wife gave him a hearty greeting. The only one who still seemed skeptical was Cameron. But he knew Cam was protective of Jane. Quiet. He didn’t share much, was standoffish, but Chris took it in stride. Jane had explained her brother’s past to him, and he knew the guy had been through a lot as a war photographer in Afghanistan.

“Want something else to eat?” Jane stood before him, beautiful in a simple forest green dress that brought out her eyes. Her cheeks were flushed and the smile she wore reminded him of an angel. She was happy, in her element.

He loved seeing her like this.

Groaning, he shook his head. “I’m stuffed.” He’d eaten enough to feed three men. And considering how nervous he was, that had been a mistake.

“Don’t let my mom hear you. She might get offended.” With a laugh, she scampered off, stopping to listen to Lyssa compliment her on the apron she had made her for a gift.

Pride flowed through Chris. Jane had admitted she’d secretly worked for weeks on those aprons, and they were turning out to be the hit of the day. The women loved them and all the little girls whined over not receiving one. When Jane had confessed on the ride over that she was seriously thinking of pursuing a small business creating them, he’d encouraged her.

Getting up from his spot on the couch, he limped through the crowded house, wishing for some fresh air. He needed a few moments alone. The little box burned a hole in the front pocket of his jeans and he wanted to ask her, but not yet. Not here. He prayed that when he finally asked her, Jane would say yes.

If she didn’t…hell. He couldn’t think like that. Not now. It was Christmas, for the love of God.

He stepped outside onto the patio, breathed deep the icy cold air. Clouds hung low, the sky darkening as the day ended. Broadcasters predicted snow and Chris figured they were right on the money.

“You’re in love with Jane.”

Chris turned at the sound of Mac’s voice. Saw Mac was standing with his brother Cameron, the both of them with scowls on their faces.

Chris swallowed hard. “I am. And she’s in love with me.”

The two shared a look before Mac spoke again. “You haven’t been together very long.”

“Long enough.”

“Mac has filled me in on you two.” Cam’s voice was deep and low. Slightly intimidating. But Chris was prepared, knew he could withstand an inquisition. “Sounds like there’s been a lot of indecision going down.”

“I love her and want what’s best for your sister. Jane means the world to me.”

“She’s been through a lot. Too much.” The look on Cameron’s face was pained, and it touched Chris. He clearly loved his sister. “I don’t want to see her suffer any more.”

“I promise I will take care of her for the rest of my life.” He reached inside his front pocket and pulled out the box. “I plan on asking her to marry me.”

Both men’s gazes widened. “Holy shit,” Mac whispered. “Really?”

“Don’t sound so surprised.” Chris laughed nervously. “I love her. I can’t imagine my life without her.”

Cam watched him, his gaze unflinching, for long, quiet seconds until he finally nodded. “Think she’ll say yes?”

“I hope so,” Chris muttered.

“Then what are you waiting for? Maybe you should ask her right now.”

Chris swallowed hard, shoved the box back into his front pocket. “Are you serious?”

Cam shrugged. “It would certainly prove how much you care for her. Having the balls to ask her to marry you in front of the entire family? That’s a bold move, man.”

“Cam—” Mac started but something on Cam’s face seemed to silence him.

“I think she’d appreciate the gesture,” Cam continued, his expression dead serious.

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