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Simple Twist of Fate (Fated 3)

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“Oh, wow, sounds ambitious. Nothing wrong with that.” Mia took a sip of her lemonade. “Maybe someday Jake could build his house.”

Jake and his father were partners in a construction company. “I can recommend him to Evan.” Morgan’s voice sounded faint, even to her own ears. Her head spun and she grabbed her water glass, taking huge gulps of it to calm her nerves.

Nope, didn’t help.

“You don’t look so good.” Jenna watched her with a careful eye. “What’s wrong?”

Morgan shook her head and pasted a smile on her face. “Nothing. I’m fine.”

“Liar.” Mia reached out and rested her hand on top of Morgan’s. “Come on, confess. We want to help you.”

Morgan exhaled loudly. “You’ll think I’m stupid.”

“Never. I was ridiculous when I first got together with Brett, remember?” Jenna shot her a pointed look.

“She was ridiculous.” Mia giggled when she got the death stare. “And I was stupid too. We all do stupid things for love.”

Love. The word was so big, so important. Amazing how four letters strung together could leave her feeling so completely out of sorts.

“He’s too perfect,” Morgan finally confessed, her voice barely above a whisper. “Like I think someday a bomb is going to drop and I’m going to find out he’s a serial killer or that he has another wife and four kids. Something bad, y

ou know? That I’m just his piece on the side and he’s been stringing me along all this time.”

“I think Brett would know if Evan’s married, Morgan,” Jenna said.

Morgan rolled her eyes. “It’s just an example, Jenna. I just mean… I don’t know what I mean. He’s wonderful. He’s sweet, he listens and he seems to like hanging out with me. I know he works hard so he’s not around as much as I’d like but maybe that’s a good thing. Maybe he’d get sick of me.”

“He doesn’t sound like the type to get sick of you. He sounds like he really cares.” Warmth glowed in Mia’s eyes and the sight of it made Morgan’s stomach roil. She pushed her plate away from her.

That was the part that freaked her out the most. That he could care. That he could already be—gulp—in love with her. Why would he be? What did he see in her? She wasn’t that special, she never had been. No, she didn’t think so low of herself that she wasn’t worthy but come on. Men did not fall instantly in love with her. That sort of thing had never happened to her before.

“That’s the problem. I think he does care. And it’s happening too fast. I’m being completely irrational, I know but I can’t help it. I’ve been seeing him for two weeks. Fourteen days. That’s not long enough to know anything.”

Mia and Jenna exchanged knowing glances, which only frustrated Morgan more. “And don’t give me your fated, it was meant to be crap either. I don’t believe in that. I never have. Just because we have such a strong connection doesn’t mean anything. It’s just…really great sex.”

Her friends stared at her mutely which urged her on.

“Yep, that’s it. Great sex. Fantastic. The man is amazing. I lucked out in that department. So I’m just going to accept it for what it is, a really great affair and when it’s over I’ll mourn for a bit, I can’t lie about that but it will be over. It has to be. Nothing this good sticks, right? Right?”

Morgan was rambling. She knew it. Jenna and Mia watched her with identical expressions on their faces. As if they found her ridiculously amusing, which they probably did. Fine, she could be the butt of their joke. She didn’t care. At least she was having great sex with a hot guy.

She frowned. Her friends were having great sex with hot guys too. And not only were they having great sex, they were involved with really good guys. Seriously involved. Jenna was getting married. Mia was practically living with Jake, and she worked with him at the family construction company as their office manager. They both ended up with men who they met on a complete whim. Men who fell for them instantly.

Just like Evan and her.

“If you need to tell yourself that to feel better then great, but we know the truth.” Jenna smiled and shook her head. “You’re just scared. And there’s no reason to be scared. He sounds like he’s the one for you.”

“I hardly know him.”

“Sometimes you just know.”

“I’ve never believed that.”

“I think you need to become a believer,” Mia suggested.

She didn’t want to. She knew she was behaving like a spoiled brat but she couldn’t look any deeper into this. Men left her, it was a known fact. She wasn’t good at relationships. They never lasted no matter how hard she worked.

Enjoy it. Enjoy the sex. Enjoy the way he holds you and kisses you and looks at you like there is no other woman in the room even in a crowded restaurant. Savor it because it’ll be gone in a blink of an eye…

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