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Melt With You (Fated 4)

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“Really, I’m just doing my job.” She lifted her head, her gaze going to the back of the ambulance and there stood Evan, a nurse on either side of him.

“Looks like you got it handled.” Evan grinned.

“No thanks to you.” Wes pointed to the nurse. “But plenty of thanks to her.” She flashed him a smile, and he felt it like a punch to the gut. He would certainly like to thank her.

In more ways than one.

The handsome paramedic was staring at her as if she’d performed some sort of divine act ordained by the heavens when really, it was such a common day occurrence for her she felt like it had become routine.

Lanie shook her head. Well, there had been nothing routine about today’s delivery. First, she’d been on her lunch break, sitting outside, enjoying the sunshine and fresh air while she read. She’d heard the woman scream, knew there was trouble and so she’d rushed over to check it out.

Luckily enough for everyone she’d been there to help. The woman had been so close to delivering there was no way she would’ve made it out of the ambulance, and the paramedic had appeared to be in a deep panic.

When it came to a woman in labor, the sight alone usually sent the majority of men into a complete tizzy. Thankfully he’d calmed and assisted her. The baby was delivered without a hitch, and a crew of nurses had taken the woman and her newborn inside.

Lanie checked her watch. She needed to get back to work but she spotted the paramedic heading toward her, a sheepish expression on his face. What a face—all sharp angles and strong jaw, offset by piercing green eyes and sensual lips. Tall and broad, he filled out his uniform nicely.

Her entire body went on full-tilt alert as he came closer. She offered him a weak smile. “Everything okay?”

“Everything’s great.” He stopped in front of her. She inhaled, his warm, masculine scent filling her, and she felt just the tiniest bit dizzy. In a good way. “I wanted to thank you for the help.”

“You’re welcome.” She shrugged. “Just doing my job.”

“You rescued me.” He smiled, and the sight of it dazzled her senses. Had she ever reacted so strongly to a man before? She didn’t even know his name. “Rescued that lady too.”

“No offense, but you looked like you needed rescuing.” He chuckled and dropped his gaze to the ground, shuffling his booted feet. “So you work in labor and delivery? I’ve never seen you around before.”

“I do. And I just transferred here a few months ago.” His lids lifted, revealing his dark brown gaze. “Ah, that explains it. I’m Wes.”

“Lanie.” She took his offered hand, a bolt of heat shooting from their connected palms and firing her blood. “Nice to meet you.”

“Likewise.” He let go of her hand slowly, their fingers brushing as he disengaged.

“Maybe I’ll see you around again soon.”

“Maybe.” Her voice was weak and she stood there, watching as he walked away.

She dropped her gaze to his firm backside, admiring his assured stride, his lean musculature. He glanced over his shoulder, his eyes meeting hers and his smile bloomed into a full-blown grin.

Giddy, she walked inside the hospital, her gaze unfocused, her mind filled with dreamy thoughts. It was as if she floated on a cloud all the way up to the labor and delivery floor, and her friend and coworker Aimee noticed immediately.

“Did you hear about the lady who gave birth in the ambulance?” Aimee asked as Lanie drew near.

“I’m the one who helped deliver the baby.” She’d already forgotten about the baby, her thoughts were so wrapped up in Wes the sexy paramedic.

“How cool. I wondered if maybe it was you. I knew you were on your break, and they said a nurse helped out.” Aimee laughed. “I should’ve known.” Lanie grabbed a clipboard and scanned the list though she really couldn’t focus, which was bad considering she still had four hours to go before her shift finished. “It was me.”

“So you helped Wes out then?” When Lanie’s mouth dropped open, Aimee smiled. “I heard it was him. Word spreads fast.”

I’ll say. “Do you know him?”

Aimee waved a dismissive hand. “Everyone knows him. He’s such a player.” Disappointment filled her. Great. The first guy to spark her interest since moving to this city and he was a man slut. “He’s that bad?”

“I know, such a shame. He’s gorgeous. Funny and smart. The guy he works with, Evan, he was a catch too. But he was such a workaholic he never gave anyone the time of day. He got snatched up just recently. Now Wes? He’ll screw anything in a skirt.” Lanie’s heart sunk to her toes. Temptation left her, just like that. She’d already dealt with one boyfriend who cheated on her, and she’d told herself never again. She wasn’t about to casually date a man with that kind of reputation.

“Steer clear of him, Lanie,” Aimee warned, as if she could read her mind. “He’s not worthy of you.”

“Thanks for the advice.” She was already ahead of Aimee. No way would she even consider that guy.

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