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Strip Tease (Protect and Defend 1.50)

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“Not much. Told me she wasn’t with Billy anymore and she has a new job.”

“Did she say where?”

“No, she hung up before I could ask her any questions.”

Nate rubbed his forehead, thrusting his fingers into his hair with a jerk of frustration. “I think I know where she’s at. I have an idea I want to discuss with you.”

“I can’t talk now.” To prove that point, the phone rang and she answered it, putting it through to the extension requested before she turned to face him once more. “I’m on the clock.”

“Yeah, so am I.” Nate leaned forward, his face getting awfully close to hers. “I need you to go with me. Tonight. To check out where I think Ginger’s at.”

“I don’t think so.”

No way could she go with him. He was using her to get what he wanted and she’d had enough of that to last her twenty lifetimes. Her mother used her, her sister, old boyfriends. She was wary to trust anyone. Since when did someone care about her interests? What she wanted?

“I need you.” His expression didn’t change, though she swore his jaw tightened. “Your help, that is.”

I need you. His phrasing was downright sexual, his tone dark. He had a sexy voice, a sexy everything. Her body reacted to him the second he was close, despite her reluctance.

They stared each other down silently, until finally Janelle looked away. Everything inside her screamed she should tell him to leave.

But then she thought of her sister. If this man was so doggedly determined to find her, then maybe he was serious. Maybe Ginger was in terrible trouble and needed to be rescued.

Wouldn’t be the first time…

“Fine, I’ll do it. I don’t know how much help I’ll be.” A part of her didn’t want to know what Ginger was involved in.

His eyes flared and one side of his sensual mouth curled up. “Great, thanks. I’ll pick you up at your place at nine. The club doesn’t open until then.”

“How do you know where I live?” She raised her brows.

“Trust me I know everything about you, Janelle Marie Pearson.” He slapped his palms on top of her desk with a loud smack and pushed away, heading toward the front door. “Nine o’clock. And wear a dress. It’s a classy joint.”

Janelle opened her mouth to tell him to screw off, but it was too late. He was already gone.

Shaking her head, she picked up the folder Marnie gave her, her hands shaking. She needed to get back to work, focus on the huge opportunity she’d been given. What was it about the man that set her on edge, made her want him so damn much?

She didn’t know.

* * * *

They rode in his car to the nightclub in silence, the only sound the rush of traffic around them, the patter of rain hitting the roof of the car as he drove through the water-slicked streets. She almost laughed when she opened the door and found him on her doorstep dressed head to toe in black.

Black turtleneck, black pants, black shoes, his outfit coordinated quite nicely with his black hair

and sinfully dark eyes.

“All you need is a skullcap to complete the look,” she’d told him.

“I have one in my car,” had been his reply.

Of course, Mister Stake Out would always be prepared.

She’d worn a dress as requested, a bright red, ultra obvious number that had displeased him. Nothing subtle about her, while he was all about blending in, she was all about standing out.

Fifteen tense minutes later, Nate turned into a parking lot and pulled into a space, killing the engine and lights. The building before them loomed large but there was no sign, nothing proclaiming it to be a club of any sort. Janelle turned to Nate in confusion and watched as he reached behind the seat and pulled something out.

“You’re going to have to wear this.” He clutched a long black haired wig in his hand.

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