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Strip Tease (Protect and Defend 1.50)

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“Oh yeah, definitely. Lots of corporate types come here for drinks. Or they watch football, baseball, whatever’s playing on the big screen. It’s a lot of fun.” Theresa cocked her head, watching her. “So tell me. Do you have a boyfriend?”

Janelle shook her head. “Oh, no. I’m single.”

“Dating anyone?”

“No, not at all.” A flush heated Janelle’s cheeks and she hoped Theresa didn’t notice. How could she explain Nate to her? She couldn’t tell Theresa how they met.

“Mmm, hmm. I remember that guy who came to see you a couple of weeks ago, the detective. He was hot. What about him?”

Bud the bartender appeared with their drinks, interrupting them. She was thankful he kept Theresa talking for a few minutes with flirtatious banter, making Theresa giggle.

She didn’t want to get into the details over why a cop came to talk to her. The truth would make Theresa’s head spin. She’d probably ask a million questions. None Janelle would want to answer.

“So? Why did he come and talk to you?” Theresa turned her attention to Janelle after Bud walked away. She sipped from her glass and smacked her lips together. “God, that’s good.”

Great. Theresa didn’t forget, unfortunately. “Um, there was a string of robberies in my apartment complex and he was investigating the case. I guess a neighbor told him I might’ve seen someone. A suspect.”

Good lord, she hadn’t lied like that in ages. She hated that she was fibbing to her new friend, but she couldn’t reveal the truth.

A lie was much, much easier.

“Wow, really?” Theresa’s light brown eyes nearly bugged out of her head. “So you saw some guy breaking into an apartment or what? Has yours been broken into?”

“Luckily no. I really didn’t see anything. I think my neighbor got me confused with someone else or—something.” Janelle winced. What a lame story.

“Ah, bummer. Well, actually it was probably best you didn’t see anything. I would never want to be a witness to a crime. I think that would bring too much trouble into my life. I hate drama.”

Oh, God did Janelle ever hate drama.

“True.” Janelle took another sip, enjoying the sweet, powerful liquid as it slid down her throat and warmed her stomach. This was nice, having a drink with her new friend, talking about silly stuff, flirting with the bartender who kept checking up on them. No one else from work showed up, but that gave her a chance to get to know Theresa better.

They ended up sharing a plate of nachos and gossiping about work. Theresa told Janelle about breaking up with her boyfriend and how hard it had been on her, how she was looking for someone new. Theresa also invited her to have brunch on Sunday, which Janelle took her up on.

It was the nicest night she’d had in a long time. She felt almost...normal.

“I need to get up early tomorrow. I’m going to my parents’ house for a birthday party for my nephew and they live two hours away,” Theresa told her as they left the restaurant and walked out into the cool night.

“Oh well, drive safe.” Janelle smiled, though she felt wistful. She wished she had a nice big family to go hang out with and celebrate a nephew’s birthday party.

“I will. I’ll fill you in with all the details on Sunday. My mother drives me nuts. My entire family drives me nuts, but doesn’t everyone’s?” Theresa embraced Janelle quickly, surprising her. “I’m so glad you came tonight. I’ll call you tomorrow after I get home and we can set up a time to meet.”

“That sounds perfect.” Janelle watched Theresa walk to her car, a thread of jealousy coursing through her veins.

Theresa didn’t know how good she had it. A nice normal life. She had a job to complain about, a boyfriend who broke her heart and a mother who drove her nuts, probably because she cared too much.

Janelle would give everything to have a glimmer of that.

With a sigh, she headed for her car, her heels clicking loudly on the asphalt of the vast parking lot. She caught sight of the familiar navy blue car. It sat up ahead, not too far from her Toyota.

Normally her anonymous guard parked far enough that he wasn’t obvious, but close enough she always saw him.

As she walked closer, she realized she’d have to pass the blue car, which meant she’d catch a glimpse of him. Finally. She was curious. Of course, it couldn’t always be the same guy who tailed her but she wanted to see one of them at least once.

Turning her head slightly, not wanting to appear too obvious, she glanced in the direction of the windshield to find Nate sitting behind the steering wheel, watching her with an intensity that nearly scorched her where she stood.

She stopped in her tracks, stunned. Was he the one who’d been following her since day one? No way, it couldn’t be. He was too busy conducting his investigation, trying to find Ginger, trying to nab Billy.

Her feet started to move of their own volition and she headed for the driver’s side of the car. He threw open the door and climbed out, waiting for her, a hint of a smile curving those appealing lips.

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